Durability loss on death

firstly its not up to any of you other than an official forums mod to tell me what to or not to do…

secondly… the complaint only hurts as much as you let it. and while it may have taken you x time to get from attacker rank 3 to 4 it takes a matter of hrs to go from miner 20 to 21. again, nothing is set in stone, im not the dev, and i can not accurately propose numerical values, the point here is concept.

thirdly, a percentage of xp would scale as the amount to hit the next rank scaled. what wouldnt scale is ratio of effect it has on you as you do rank up.

lastly it doesnt HAVE to be xp. just like weapons dont HAVE to lose durability. They could easily charge you 10 coin instead. that would make 50 deaths the cost of a single warp. imo thats pretty fair.

and, if it absolutely has to be weapon / tool durability, that needs to be reduced. here i am saying ‘the penalty is too severe’ and all i get is ‘no any other possible option is the devil!!!’

you guys crack me up

But it’s not too severe. Literally in every game where there is durability penalty it’s that much, 10% is pretty much the base amount use. It’s the norm. I think you are just being stingy about it.

Coin cost, I could see that. The game does really need a coin sink other than porting, specially when making portals comes around.

I know it’s not up to us, but we are here to discuss it. The devs see the discussion, they see both sides and based on what they see they might put their 2 cents in or simply act. If you didn’t want players to put in their 2 cents, then you should have messaged a dev your critic and not made a forum post.

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I know you never said inventory loss, I was comparing to other games.

There’s no need to get so defensive because we are not agreeing with you. You said you don’t like this feature and you explained why. Then our response was that we do not agree with you, and we explained why.

Lastly, while it should have worded it differently, I understand why they said you were complaining. Your initial post sounded like you were unhappy about something because it wasn’t convenient. Everyone has to remember its difficult to convey actual feelings/emotions through forum posts. So, let’s all remember to be friendly and open minded here!


Want it to go on the record, I don’t think you were complaining. I was just saying the reason why I think someone said you were complaining.

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the first thing here is that im not telling anyone not to respond. you guys are saying ‘dont complain’

im saying mind your own business if you cant be nice in an objective discussion, and to not go bossing others around because you dont particularly agree with a suggestion.

ive gone through three silver hammers a titanium hammer and a gold hammer. using all of those i can say they do not last long enough for the 10% duration penalty from death combined with the basic use wear and tear. tools are a lot of work to make and the better tools more so.

its my personal opinion that they need to be adjusted to be more fair to those of us exploring and climbing etc. i barely even got to use the grappling hook because of this lol.

This is all a continuation of a very long and thoroughly debated topic that I’d rather not personally repeat. I suggest doing some reading on death penalties.


There is no “you guys,” as only one person (who isn’t a native English speaker) said it.

As for going through that many tools, how long did you have them? How many times did you die while you were using them?

It is also our personal opinions that don’t agree with you. I’ve had absolutely no issue with this loss of durability. I rarely have any of my high end tools with me until I find a good node. Then, I’ll plop down a beacon to prevent any regeneration (and to mark the node), grab my silver+ tools, and return.

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OMG that is brilliant! I never thought of doing that. Oh, I am adding a beacon to my inventory right now.


Yea… it took me a few derps before it sank in. Glad I could help with something ^.^

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I do the same thing :blush:
I’m also happy with the death mechanic, impact damage just needs to be fixed which I believe I saw the Devs say is on the way?

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im fine with the current death penalty, with this you’r levels are permanent and you keep all your items in inventory (expect the ones with durability). im sure it gets balanced to right % as the durabilities in tools as well at some point but the idea is good and not too punishing (if you play smartly or get lucky).

i still think grappler and slingshot should not lose durability on use, only by deaths.

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It could be changed from% durability loss to lose X number of hits instead, that would balance out across the tools wouldn’t it?

So if a stone axe has something like 200 hits, lose 40 hits, but each tool has a greater number of hits as they currently do.

That’s the only criticism I’d make, otherwise happy with the penalty itself.

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Jokes aside, I also prefer the durability loss over an XP loss, the current percentage might indeed be a bit high but small balance issues should be expected when you play an early access game.
An alternative/addition I could see happen is a partial inventory loss, meaning that you loose some% of the rubbish (stone,dirt,leaves,etc) a few% of the materials (ore,tech,etc.) and a tiny% of the rare materials (titan/monster loot, etc.) in you inventory when you die.


as a player of path of exile (10% xp loss per death) id rather take durability loss then xp loss anyday,dying and losing durability just makes you think twice before running around with expensive tools without healing,xp loss is harsh and can takes hrs or even days to earn back depending on how much time a person has to play.


Exactly. I have always hated that in games. Also, the durability makes sense. If you have on a helmet and a monster eats your face off… The helmet is going to take damage…

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I hate to bring this back up but the death penalty on silver and above items is way too steep. I spent a large number of hours coming up with enough gold for a single hammer. It was a significant amount of time and work. I got bombed by a hopper on Vulpto while looking for my first gems and was killed. A single death and I lost nearly 20% life on my hammer. That seems really aggressive. Any chance that the penalty could be reduced?

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My professional advise is:

Failing that, play it safe! No creature can kill you in a single hit, so stay at 100% hp. If you run out of healing items, retreat to the sanctuary or to a less hostile world and prepare more healing items. Death is harsh, but easily avoided with even the slightest preparation.


while i can understand the sentiment,

the irony is that the scrub in that meme has a helmet on. to protect his head. if he was gud he wouldnt wear such a god awful helm.

and, again, while i understand the reasoning behind it,

I had just posted earlier today in an unrelated thread this exact scenario.
went to vulpto with gold hammer at 20% loss because of one death. thats the equivalent of between 25-40 ruby…

there is already so much farming to do in game that farming meat and berries too makes ‘stay at full health’ just no.

we should be able to stay alive well enough by trying to avoid conflict, but that doesnt stop enemies from locating you and dropping in on you in caves or while youre mining or even your own home

perhaps if berries grew in the grass and we picked them up by walking over them maybe, but since you have to use an axe farming bushes to get enough berries to stay healthy, or kill animals and cook meat, which requires coal.

20% is a bit much with all of that taken into account. id would feel like 5% maybe 8% is more justifiable.

and while we are talking about vulpto, man can we turn the saturation down just a tad on the sand and exotic leaves … ouch! even on other planets theyre borderline eye-bleeders

Is there a bug with durability loss in smart stack? I feel like nothing in my smart stack gets damaged.


Yes there is a bug in that or exploit. Only the upper left, ere first square in a smart stack will have damage aplied to it. So if you make 3 gold hammers, stack them, and move the first hammer out of the first square to the fourth, no damage will be aplied on death.