Easter Eggs

Due to a suggestion made by @Clexarews in another post I believe, I used the handy dandy search function to see if anyone had discussed Easter Eggs for this game. The only thing I found was a comment on This Thread that mentioned them for holidays. But I really think it would be neat to add them throughout the game at all times of the year. Maybe a portal made at a specific time opens up a unique world that is only available for a short amount of time. Certain blocks behave differently depending on where they are. Rare, named creatures. Occasional clouds that look like a distinguishable object. Etc. These are just random suggestions right now.
Perhaps it’s a little too early to start adding these to the game (maybe there are already some. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:). But we can always discuss ideas like this here. That what this forum is for after all. We have nothing better to do than bug the devs. :joy:
What would you guys like to see?


But it’s the wrong time of year for Easter!


An occassional gag mob that is ridiculously over sized, or tiny would be neat. Or ocassionaly a mob drops a literal easter egg item as a prop. :smile:

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Haha. You’re both little weirdos. :smile:
You can have Easter Eggs at all times.
The mobs is an interesting idea though. A huge mob swarms a village. They don’t do damage, they just follow players around and make silly noises maybe.

I mentioned Easter Eggs because I recently played The Talos Principle, and it had a ridiculously satisfying amount of them. I know in a (technically) infinitely generated world like this you can’t place surprises in specific locations, but there is still room for hiding goodies in menus, mobs, specific actions, and blocks.

I like easter eggs in games as much as the next guy, but I like them so much more when they are unexpected. It’s a good form of self expression for developers and I don’t want to force my own input on something like that :wink:


Aw. That is a good point. I guess that’s the excitement of Easter Eggs.
I can still hope for my face on a random monument in the middle of the desert though. :yum:
I just know they want to do it.
I just know…

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thinking about WoW, Guild Wars 1 and the real Fallout games (1&2 :wink: ) I remember to have A LOT of easter eggs in those and I loved them … I hope the devs will make such stuff to (like hidden stuff in deep caverns or other little surprises) :slight_smile:

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Easter eggs to me are secrets not easy to find in any kind of outcome.
So also secret formulas to build special craftings written in Oort on a wall of a hidden temple would be kind of Easter Egg to me.
Furthermore Dev Jokes that give you some off topic (off the game) content can be Easter Eggs.

I’d love to have plenty of them within the worlds. Best so much, that even after month (perfectly after years) of play time, people still find Secrets never seen before.

I just wonder how to implement them and making them possible with world regeneration.
But probably there are easy solutions I am not aware of.

Exactly! I would love secret crafting recipes that are hidden in ancient Oort writings around the world. I think the benefit of a generated world like this is that the secrets will never be in the same place, so if you find something, others won’t automatically be able to attain it also.
That’s the problem with the Internet and video games today. It’s so easy to “cheat” and find all the Easter eggs.

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Boundless (or voxel games in general) give players the opportunity to create & hide Easter eggs themselves. So I don´t see a need for any dev created Easter eggs in Boundless.
And personally I´m already really eager to find and build some of them (cant wait to hide a giant creeper in a cave somewhere :smile: )

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I certainly agree that a voxel game can’t place them in the world in the same fashion as other video games. But I definitely think there are plenty of ways for developers to express themselves. As long as they know we would like to see them, I am ok with not helping in the creation process for these Easter eggs.
Creating your own Easter eggs is a great idea! With world regeneration, some of them might slowly be destroyed, but imagine if you came upon a giant creeper in a cave that was slightly eroded and covered with moss. Wouldn’t that be cool?! It would add a lot of history and depth to the game.

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