Edit post

Hello! :tada: I’ve been working on adjustments to the backend processes, and here’s one of the updates. I’ll fine-tune it a little, but the goal is to prevent certain users from misusing the editing feature to alter their posts after they’ve been live for some time. :hammer_and_wrench::no_entry_sign:


thank you so much for info :smiley: have a nice day :smiley:

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Thank you i have seen this a lot lately.

I myself are to blame for editing my own post for update changes, how are those handled? Like hunters changing their post’s @Tiggs


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Maybe a bit of a unpopular opinion, but i think we should use the rankings that we get more active.

If the developers/support team notices that a person uses the flag option too often at unreasonable times, that person should be (also if just temporarily) down ranked into a state were theyre not allowed flagging option. Just my 5 cents here.

There are trust levels on forums, not? Make us deserve them haha


Sadly, there are people on here that have multiple forum accounts and flag posts that have a differing of opinion. I would say tying the forum account to the actual paid Boundless account might be nice, but there a good many of us that have multiple purchases of the game.

Pretty low… that it would even have to come to that, but trolls are trolls.


@Tiggs i just noticed that i cant also edit my own topic - Explorer’s Diary, i often exploring a planet, making breaks for few swveral minutes and editing post uploading more pictures, now i cant, can i get special permission to edit posts at my own topic>?
exactly this one

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If there’s an active support on the forums, then this could be a good thing, checking who reports within the same ip and also friend based abuse i see as troll flagging lol


Welcome to the forums haha, its on any forum like this, and this is why most people avoid the forums for a reason. And its good that strict rules are being applied as this should have been done years ago

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as you know for sure exploring a planet taking around 1 hour, during this hour im making pictures every few minutes and uploading them to my diary entry - now i cant do it so i xcant documented my trips


This is good to hear thank you. Appreciate you working on sorting this as people exploit this and the flagging system so much to either spam or remove posts. It makes it harder for us folk that use it legitimately but we’ll get use to the changes.


Exactly, i adapt easily and its for the best :ok_hand:


It only happens with forums similar to discourse. I’d much prefer the ability to just report it to a forum admin versus the users having the ability to remove a post due to abusing the flagging. Let an admin review it and then have them review it and then have it removed if it is truly against the rules.

As it stands, I could just make 20 accounts on these very forums and flag 20 of the posts in this thread 20 times and the thread could go into oblivion (until reviewed) and I have seen a number of quality threads with some good information and good dialog just go away.

Anyways, I applaud @majorvex for the job she does and @Tiggs for tightening the ship.


not really, happens on ‘‘most’’

doesn’t need to be, you can let the members vote flag, as long as there’s active support to handle it, if it’s flagged it would only be hidden or removed by a forum mod, but nice for the support to get that flag trigger notification.

so have i


Nope, sorry, not at this time.

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One of my posts was flagged as being rude. I edited to say what I wanted without being rude and it was back up. I think this is the best option. The ability to fix a post to made it no longer offensive.


Theres people flagging posts that are just an information about something. But new changes make it impossible once something is hidden to get it back. Therefore the support services are needed. Its a shame that information about a community project can get hidden that way. And its the people that claim the loudest how much they would do for the community that sabotage other community projects.


Yes, I am having this issue as well. Must be something they changed when they changed over from Wonderstruck to Monumental

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No it’s because someone was abusing the editing to spam bump their posts so it was always at the top.
It was reported and this is their fix to it. They’re still working on that as well as the abuse of the mass flag to get topics closed and removed.

It’s good they’re actively working on reducing these exploits. Bad for those that use it in a legitimate way unfortunately.


Oh, thanks for the info

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This became a thing :sob::sob::sob: I spell check it then o o o some1 made a comment so I add a quote to my pre-existing comment so I dont fill up the post with tons of my comments :sob::sob::sob:

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