Edit post

While there are certain times an edit can be helpful to clarify points for readers that enter the discussion after some time, I would argue that editing to add more information is worse than adding another reply to a topic, because an edit will probably not be seen by most people already invested in a topic and it can also kind of disrupt the natural flow of a topic. I’d say don’t feel bad about another reply, if it adds to the topic at hand :wink:

I do like the ability to correct spelling errors though, so that will be missed for the time being…

I don’t think so. I can tell you from personal experience that the regular badge comes and goes. I read somewhere that you have to stay “active” to keep it. What “active” means exactly is not really defined though :man_shrugging:


just like my thread, hopefully we get at least 5 minutes to edit, maybe 15 minutes max

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Hm I’m having daily a peak in the forums. Mostly theres not much going on though that catches my interest. As im not much active either, i don’t have much to share. I had the whole time my privileges but just wouldnt use them as i don’t see a need for it. But not being able to set my own trade request as complete is a bit stupid. I’m sure as hell that i wont tag majorvex for those everytime. She got really better things to do


We like your comments, feel free to fill up all the posts. :grin:


Due to i can’t edit one of my post to steal the poll Formula from myself can some one send me the formula to do Polls?

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Cookie hit the little gear there on the right then click build Poll if I am not mistaken.


I’m Dum Dum Thank you Wondernut! :cookie: