Elop Portas

Cool I will hop on within the next half hour and hook you up :smile_cat:

I would also trade some metals for wood if you have extra!

I think my stock of wood is about depleted :scream:

No worries :slight_smile: Ill go get some haha I went to make a hammer and I had no wood

I’m at the south side of the hopperdrome

                    New Community Challenge Build Your Own Aqueduct

Try your hand at aqueduct building! This new duct stands 4 plots high and is able to extend in all four directions.
Grab a few friends or go it alone. Add roads below with your own stylized flair.
Each direction presents its own feel and challenges. When you claim your side claim all the spots you will need to ensure that you get them!

Located south west of the hopperdrome.


  1. stick to the theme mystic, ancient, and lost gardens.
  2. Commit to finishing your build within 2 months.
  3. have fun and get along with other competitors.
  4. Aqueducts can be plot heavy so come prepared with lots of plots
  5. your duct and street must be 1 plot wide and extend in your chosen direction north, south, east, or west.

When two months is up or when all contestants say that they are done a community vote will take place to decide witch street and duct they like the best. The winner will receive a water and lava bucket! all contestants will keep any footfall received as intensive to keep there builds up after the competition.

I hope you all have fun and may the ort be with you :boundless:


Is this challenge still going?

it is indeed! world regen has made the water stop flowing but I will jump on some time today and get it flowing again.

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and currently as the only competitor you are bound to win! :smile_cat:


My plan is to badger all passersby into building too :smile:

Anyway I stuck a beacon and plots going west from the tower. Now…to find some graph paper xD


I had to take mine down ran out of plots and was unable to finish. :sob:

I’d like to open up a portal from the Hall of a Thousand Windows in Iron Sky on Munteen to (close by) Elop Portas’ market area. I’ve laid out a 6x6 portal slot (with the top 4 blocks missing to make it 32 blocks) for this purpose.

Ideally this would connect directly to Elop Portas’ market area to make trading/travel as easy as possible.

Would you folks be interested in such a connection (and building your side of it)? I can supply the oort shards to keep the portal open.


that would be great omni!


Sounds good to me too!:doug:
I can jump on in a bit and look for a spot for it.
Ok found a spot for it and working one it. Going to be sweet!

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I have made the outer side of the portal just have to get together to get it going. :smiley:


I’m (mostly) online for the next 3 hours or so. If you happen to login I’d like to get a destination token and open it up.

I can hop on now and meet you in Elop Portas

On my way.

Hi all!

I’m thinking about moving to Elop Portas. It’s getting a bit lonely in the Therka woods with all the abandoned 1plot beacons around me.
Would that be ok with everyone?

The city is so beautiful. I spend the last hours checking it out. I read about the theme in this thread and i really like it.

Is there a map of the city?
If no, I can try to help creating one.


yes plz join us. Take any spot you like. there are places open all over. I am really digging the roads leading out of the market these days.
a map of town would be awesome if you can swing it. :+1:t6: