End game

Hey, I’ve been out of the game for 2 ish months now, wanted to see if any of the updates have done anything to the end game yet?

I saw guilds, looked like a good system (have not tried it yet though) but it doesn’t really do anything for an actual endgame as far as I can tell, other than giving you some mediocre buffs to maintain

But I have been out of the loop, maybe something else has changed to Meteorites or other systems to add something to the endgame?

This game has always been great at building, and the social aspects seen trending upwards with guilds, but where is the challenging end game for the player with everything?

someone made a art piece off the boundless endgame

did you end the game and came back to end the game?

ow jokes aside dev’s asked us what to do next i reply put stuff for the diehards some insane achievements and dungeon
think ya need wait farmers are first :smiley:

I’m still watching…

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its been running for atleast 10years i think :smile:

As entertaining as that is, the short of it sounds like there is still no meaningful endgame. I guess I will check back in a couple months :man_shrugging:


Yup, lot of people are in the same boats hopefully they add more mobs that you actually need a 20-30 people party to conquer, dongeon, titans, higher tiers planets and maybe PvP guild planet? :smiley: as lot of people are going to achieve the current end game and there not much to do except to stockpile, having a shop below price market (hard time selling titanium alloy 70c or diamond for 50c as example) and help newers players to reach the current end games.

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This game is an open-world sandbox. There is no legit end-game in this genre.

Tons more content, higher level gear, etc would be nice though.


Isn’t the endgame of a game like this “build something even bigger”?

You’ve really built everything you can think of? Maybe you need to ask the board for inspiration, or something.


I don’t think boundless is a MMO city builders, at least that not why I got hooked into the game.

I’m way more enthusiastic by the MMORPG style of boundless with building capabilities not the other way around.


End game is not expected to be available until 2024. So keep those Gleam Club purchases coming!!

Craftable Armor :drooling_face:


Really? The combat is paper thin. It’s, basically, “hang from a high spot and shoot. Lob healing bombs as needed.”

Always feels like a tack-on to me. Something to get through so I can get back to building and crafting.

Maybe if they added real combat mechanics. Special abilities, some sort of magic, a selection of weapons with the ability to change elements on the fly, enemies that are more than just bullet sponges.


Need goal for end game players.
Building is one goal for sure. But only one goal is not enough for all the end game players.
Since not everyone enjoy building in this game.

We aren’t getting magic or spells or anything of the sort. Having items that actually do some special stuff would be nice though, such as a flamethrower or portable power shield. Having more than 2 weapons would be nice too.

Actual mob mechanics would be very much needed.

It’s a MMO, we should be having not just skill set builds but also item loud outs and equipped item builds too.

But I very much agree with everything else you said.

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Yeah, I should have said “magic”.

For example, there is a armor in Anthem that is, essentially, a magic class but it’s all tech based in the lore.

I’m not opposed to a deeper combat system. That could be fun. But, as it is, combat is at the bottom of the list of what this game is. It’s an MMO voxel game. Building and crafting is the primary mechanic.

If your looking for traditional wow-type “end game” your not going to find it in a voxel game. If the current state of the game is not up to “your” idea of what Boundless should be, then play something else. Boundless is ultimately what ever vision the devs have for it and obviously that’s not the same as your idea of boundless.

Don’t do this.


But please don’t let comments like this stop you from saying what you would like to get from the game.

If you have ideas of what end game content, as you put it, you would like to see then tell us, that’s what the forums are for, in part at least.

And I’m fairly certain that the devs are interested in what people would like to see from their game, as mentioned it may not line up with their goals, but that’s OK too!


No endgame content unless you think you’ll enjoy farming. No word on activities other than meteors and holiday events. I wouldn’t be ready for endgame lol, I have no direction to my daily game time.

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I think in a sandbox MMO (or just MMOs in general) the end game is something that keeps getting pushed back further and further. Even the end game for themepark MMOs like WoW get pushed back further and further. It’s just a natural course of action to keep updating the MMO and give players a motivation or goal to reach and achieve. The issue with Boundless is that progression from early to end game is so bumpy and at some points straight painful to go through if you don’t have shops or a portal network to speed things up. The less smooth it is the higher chance of burn out.

The other thing is the game will continue to grow in size (number of worlds, blocks, items to craft, etc) as time goes on. The end game will continue to evolve as the developers find solutions to things that allow them to implement things they previously weren’t able to. An example of that might be a carbon copy of Redstone Logic mechanics from Minecraft even though it probably would be do-able and easy to implement a dumbed down version of it through having Spark powered pre-fab devices, like powered doors or lights or batteries or anything else you could use with an energy source that makes since for this game.

I’ll be perfectly honest, there was some sort of competitive end game element in this game it would retain players a lot better. But even if we assume that’s true it takes a few steps to lay the foundation for those certain pieces of competitive end game content to be worth implementing.

Competitive Titan raids? Who can clear a certain Titan faster than everyone else? Same for dungeons. Who can make the most difficult dungeon or clear the most difficult dungeon the fastest? Doesn’t matter what the end game is so long as people find it enable and fun and have plenty of options to choose from. They’ll keep playing through it.