Error (CE-34878-0), Crashing - PS4 & PC players

Who hasn’t :wink: ps1 was the best ps :wink:

That came out wrong srr :kissing_heart:

OMG, 30 years? You’re an animal! Well, a cookie, or some half cookie animal…you get the point :crazy_face:

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They are pushing us to get the PS5 even tough they can’t make them fast enough.

Funny thing is 1,5 months left and its still not fully available in the stores (we have a repeat of the PS4 fiasco) :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:. Didn’t they say that wouldn’t happen this time…

Not sure but might this be a location thingy…
Haven’t been off world to day but Lamblis worked just fine (apart from the usual hick ups).

As you mentioned Refgar (EU) and @Tagris Lamblis (EU) and Boori (AUS).

That said that can also be multiple options where the trouble lies (server connection and what not).

5 posts were merged into an existing topic: New beacons/settlements dont show up in sanctum, and older ones dont vanish

As far as I can tell it has to be something outside of the system.

Sunday morning I was on PS and PC and everything was going fine.

Then I logged in in the afternoon on PC and couldn’t log into: Delta, Lamblis, Boori, Till, Serp

So I booted up my PS and immediately tried and couldn’t access the same planets.

I had been on those planets earlier that day.

To have it be happening on PC and PS at the same time…says to me it is outside of my control and is with the Devs to fix.

If they will.

If not, the game is unplayable for me so…

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That’s why vex asked if you wanted to make a support topic about what you see as a glitch. So she can move your response there since it has nothing to do with this issue.

Not that hard to understand.

(And now my comment is redundant lol :rofl:)

Go @majorvex :love_you_gesture:

Game is workng just fine for me!



# J U S T F I N E


I STILL can’t play, can we at least have SOME kind of word from a dev so we know SOMETHING is happening? I have submitted crash log after crash log. I am getting very frustrated at this point.
@james, @vdragon

@BabyCookie, did reinstalling help you?

Nope sdsame thing

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Pretty bad when all you want to do is play someone’s game but can’t figure out how to get support. I guess I will go play WoW or something.


The only other thing I can think of for a PC player (if you haven’t tried it already) is to delete your cache (not sure but I think there should be something called static-cache and another called chunkcache?).
Should be in the same place you found your log iirc, try deleting everything in that folder - I don’t think steam cleans that up when reinstalling or verifying files.

Not sure if the info helps, but in case it does - US East area here, and going back and forth through the TNT Network and my places on both PS4 and PC have yet to experience it.

It seems i’ve found a solution, or at least one that has allowed me to visit my sovereign world. basically i did a clean install. I uninstalled the game via steam and then navigated to the install directory and deleted the “Boundless” folder and the contents left within. Then i reinstalled Boundless the normal way and so for so good.

some things i tried before doing a clean install:
I deleted everything that had to do with Boundless in %appdata%, steam user settings / chunkcache, and my documents… however none of that fixed the problem.

Edit: results may be short lived… switching between characters can still crash the game as they enter the world… however on restarting the game they can connect and play… so far :thinking:

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I still cant log on ps4. As soon as i exit the sanctum I get the error code. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game and nothing. However my Pc works just fine.

Im EU :wink: just did some portal hopping on PS4 no errors so far…

(Yes all regions)

PS4: Good for me too

PC: Still exactly the same

@james @vdragon? Please :pray::pleading_face:

Well, just to add the bemusement.

I had this problem on a friends ps4 yesterday with my account.

Today I went home and loaded it on my ps4 and can play no problem.

I just got a friend to load into my pc account and he is getting the error.


OK never mind, looks like i’m back to crashing full time again… something I’m noticing though, my extra accounts don’t seem to be having any issues… one difference is that only my main account owns sovereign worlds.

Anyone having issues that does not have sovereign worlds associated with their account?