Error (CE-34878-0), Crashing - PS4 & PC players

Hello @blake, I have this issue also.

Example planet I cannot access:
Grovidias Te

I logged in just now to try it and only Grovidias Te seemed to be having problems. I did send a crash log just now while trying it.

Hmm, I was going to report a problem with trying to get to Grovidias Te, but I see this and think it may be the same problem

For me it crashes to desktop within 1-2 seconds of going through a portal to Grovidias Te, no error message.
Submitted crash dumps.
Tried 3 characters, restarted steam, rebooted pc.

As a test, tried another character, NOT in portal seekers, and that character can portal to Grovidias Te fine

Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m at work tonight so I cant check till tomorrow. Biitula to Trung crashed. Biitula to Lamblis crashed. Biitula to Grovidias Te worked one time but crashed there after.


Im PS, I got this crash bug while traveling to Gros Te today.
Although Im able to travel around EU and AUS servers totally fine.

Attemp 2: switching main guild to other guilds didnt fix the problem, still get crashed.

I had the same issue yesturdayā€¦ I can travel to all other planets BUT Grovidias-Te. As soon as I go through a portal to that planet I get booted out.

I still crash going to Grovidias Te. I seem to be able to go to Lamblis and Trung okā€¦ in fact Grovidias Te seems to be the only one that is crashing me atm. I was able to travel to all the other T3ā€™s and up.

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Just to note I have a crash repro now, investigating (hopefully itā€™s the same crash)


go to the warning menu i usually select the cleanse option and it let me enter the planet a minute later

We have a fix for this issue.

Itā€™s need to be built and sent for PS4 QA before release.


Awesome @james and @blake, how fast you guys can fix these strange bugs and prepare them to be shipped to release. Even though Iā€™m not affected, thanks!


Fix for PC is now live.
Still waiting for PS4.


@james Thanks for the fix! The PS Hub on Gellis just took a few minutes to load in and all portals closed. Could this be related to the fix? :thinking:

Iā€™m guessing the portals maybe ran out of fuel?

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Correct, PS is shutting down. With this bug affecting Grov Te, we couldnā€™t get to our oort to refill portals. So we are just letting the network shut down.

There is no issue with the portals related to this.

Lol I didnā€™t get the memo in time I guessā€¦ the network is back up for the time being.


Lol I thought you were working :slight_smile: yay!

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Thanks for the clarification, I was just curious if fit was a side effect of the bug fix. Forcefully closing all portals in a beacon aligned to PS or something, because all the player portals were closed too. But it was just a big coincidence :wink:

Also, thanks Jiivita ^^