[Esfan] --[Umbris Tier 7 Exoworld]-- [Inactive]


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∟Last until September 2, 2019 6:54 AM
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Blocks Color

Blocks color have been pulled out from data, some blocks may not exist on the planet.

Gleam - 81 Warm Orange

Igneous - 14 Dark Orange
Metamorphic - 20 Night Orange
Sedimentary - 254 Hot Orange

Ancient - 30 Hot Sepia
Lustrous - 42 Dark Mustard
Twisted - 78 Red

Exotic - 30 Hot Sepia
Lush Foliage - 32 Hot Tan
Waxy - 71 Deep Fuchsia

Clay - 14 Dark Orange
Peaty - 43 Shadow Mustard
Silty - 23 Strong Red

Barbed - 30 Hot Sepia
Gnarled - 41 Strong Mustard
Verdant - 12 Strong Cherry

Ash - 25 Hot Cherry
Gravel - 28 Silk Orange
Glacier - 28 Silk Orange
Growth - 79 Warm Red
Ice - 28 Silk Orange
Mould - 39 Dark Yellow
Mud - 12 Strong Cherry
Sand - 14 Dark Orange
Sponge - 16 Dark Fuchsia
Tangle - 30 Hot Sepia
Thorn - 22 Shadow Red

Cloneflower - 55 Deep Turquoise
Gladeflower - 55 Deep Turquoise
Ghostflower - 31 Deep Mustard
Spineflower - 242 Strong Viridian

Desert Sword - 240 Strong Slate
Oortian’s Staff - 238 Strong Cerulean
Rosetta Nox - 34 Deep Yellow
Spineback Plant - 241 Strong Turquoise
Stardrop Plant - 81 Warm Orange
Traveller’s Perch - 31 Deep Mustard
Trumpet Root - 24 Deep Red
Twisted Aloba - 71 Deep Fuchsia

Branch Funnel - 43 Shadow Mustard
Clustered Tongue - 41 Strong Mustard
Glow Cap - 253 Deep Orange
Molted Tar Spot - 41 Strong Mustard
Tinted-Burst - 253 Deep Orange
Weeping Waxcap - 41 Strong Mustard

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Brought to you by @majorvex.



Fun planet imo. Some pretty epic scapes to behold too.

Too bad its bed time


I’m really happy that a T7 Umbris spawned, with some orange colors :smiley:



Esfan, a planet transformed by the collapse of a Solar Giant.
–As the ruthless flares scarred Esfan, the Giant’s core temperature caused a huge internal collapse within itself that pushed violently outward onto the neighboring planet.
–The event caused a Darkmatter Disturbance, turning this world into an Umbris one.
Legend: There is an evolved creature that thrives in the depths of the hollowed caves.

Watch your step


Love the lore @GrayFrequency. Keep them coming!!!


Thank you! :heart::grin:



Nice video Vex,
Especially the end;
You’ve died a lot over there for a good cause :sunglasses:


Have you got coords for the gleam

Gorgeous shots from everyone…impressive looking world

Oh im so excited :smile:

@GrayFrequency i love your lore snippets on the exos… Never stop posting them! And please expand on some and post! I could read it forever hahah :star: have a gold star

@majorvex amazing shots :heart_eyes: cant wait to explore this place


Nice, and great shots all!! :smiley: I’ll try to jump on for a little bit before work! Yay, Umbris exo! :sunglasses:


… Ok, a few pics! :slight_smile:


Omg thank you! :heart::heart_eyes:
On the next one, I may try to lengthen the lore some more :smiley:


How does the umbris look? Are there many mountains or just a few?

Wish umbris planets were super mountainous. Normally seems sparse

I feel like umbris planets should have an above average amount of mountains with deep canyons

Edit: I think that would make more sense with lava close to the core or lower alt. But meh, just a thought

Not too many where I was on, just a little bit in the regions I hit, but it is possible there is more elsewhere. I wasn’t on long, just hit a couple regions. Did get a little Umbris though. :slight_smile:

My favorite Umbris world has been Algar Vace, that one was loaded!

Here is what my Umbris hotspot atlas looked like on Esfan in the first area I hit -

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There are some strong deposits, but it’s not exactly in mountains. There is some structural stuff like concrete rebar that we’ve seen in the past where there are chunks of rock filled in the holes at various altitudes. I was able to get about 300 umbris and it was clear someone had come and plowed the ‘ripe’ area before I had gotten there.


how deep do I find umbris?