Et tu, Brute?

I think that buying plots is no more pay to win than buying accounts. With minimal effort you can get a decent number of plots on each character then go buy a new account. Sure you can’t have all your prestige on the same character, but you can have it all in the same town which, lets be honest, is what you would really go for if you wanted to “win”.


Also, why did you make all this stuff up and portray it as fact?


It wasn’t made up. On the patch on Friday they removed the files containing the code from the resting server.

So someone got banned for hacking a boundless server?

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@Karko Why didn’t you just download the files for proof?

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How can it help with money? They also said footfall wouldn’t depend on beacon size:

Additionally, prestige is worked out using percentages or ratios, meaning that a building with more blocks wont necessarily have more prestige with a smaller building, depending on the block types and tints used, meaning that what prestige really depends on is having interesting blocks, shapes and colours, all of which have no real world money linked to them.
There are all sorts of limits to how much of a prestige bonus you can get, including how much of a bonus you can get purely based on size.
Having more plots alone will not translate to having more prestige, just as having more plots wont amount to increased footfall.

problem solved then? :pray:
maybe you disagree with me about this (probably), if so please explain why you think buying plots would be incredibly beneficial and become p2w, because I don’t feel like it will be.
Also, I feel like I should bring up the point (again) that people have all sorts of different amounts of plots already whether from tiers or just playing the game more often, and I don’t think there are many issues right now with the plots being overpowered.

EDIT: additionally, most of us haven’t used half of our plots, let alone are being limited by our amount of plots. Therefore I can’t really see how much would change for the majority of people if we were able to buy plots, as most of us have no need to.


My original intention was to just walk after what I saw. When I went back to take screenshots to post them as the comments escalated. I found that it had been removed.

It’s a contributor to that, but how significant is the number of plots towards a player’s income?

A base account gets what? 500-1000 plots today over the course of leveling (I’m assuming we’ll have a similar order of magnitude at release). Similarly, there are a good number of compact builds out there that are high prestige and (presumably) high footfall—as an example that number of plots isn’t a requirement, nor does it necessarily make it easier. It certainly encourages us to make more compact builds; but honestly I like that.

I’d expect that the vast majority of the effort spent on builds is obtaining/shaping the blocks, and that plot gain is a very minor part of that effort. (and the base number of plots doesn’t prevent someone from having multiple high-prestige builds)

It feels like a pretty minor concession, to me, but I admit I haven’t tried to think through the long term consequences too hard yet

The rest of the things you outlined are super concerning; and I’m glad they’re not part of @james’ proposal


Or maybe it was removed because it wasn’t meant to be seen in the first place because it was a placeholder simply meant to get the overall structure for the mechanic, design and UI ready? IDK, just a hunch…


We have not removed any elements with regards to monetisation. What we had planned is what we have communicated for comment and feedback.

I suspect that @karko Has mixed together features of the Status Effect, Attribute and Forging systems and made assumptions that they’re part of the monetisation items. These gameplay systems use language and terms such as a Defense Bundles and Combat Multipliers and Boost Stats for durations, etc etc. Sounds like p2w if only they were actually purchasable - but they’re not.

There are no Loot Crates from the perspective of chance. There are Reward Crates (as described in my post) that we use to reward Feats, Objectives, Leveling and buy Cubits, etc.

Any prices found in the development assets would have been placeholders added to test the GUI code, because the prices always come directly from the platform stores (Steam and PSN) as they deal with currency localisation.

No clue where the rest comes from.

This reads like someone scanning through asset strings, not knowing how they’re actually applied and assuming the very worst.


Nice of you to say “reads like” when we all know what happened :joy:


awesome. thnx James. this entire thread could be deleted now lol.


awesome cant wait :slight_smile:

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It would be a mistake to delete this thread. It would imply that nothing was learned and nothing was gained.


commonly known as meteorites :wink:


I believe you get the award for best reply of the day @boundmore :rofl:


@Havok40k I was hoping others would see a humorous rhetorical comment simply leading to the idea of it’s all handled nicely and now it’s done. I know it would not be deleted, nor would want it to.


Ah, I suppose the mood of this thread soured my attitude to srs bsns only. My bad!


Well this is fun. Let’s do it again shall we?


No. Plz no.