Exo planets disappointment

According to the other thread sanctum warps don’t waste coin but conduits do.

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Limit of 80 players even on exo world, 240 players currently in the game, this means that at least 3 should have been spawned, 5 or 6 would have been better…

  1. limit exo planets to 40 players
  2. spawn heck of a lot more
  3. perhaps put a time limit on length or so

That’s weird. Shouldn’t happen. Post that in support as separate topic I’d say.

if you open outside of sanctum the cost is on opening not entering and its only like that cuz the sanctum is “offline” so when you enter the server registers the cost

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@KissMyClass09 trust me and everyone else saying this… you better off NOT being here… i have not been able to do jack in 15 mins… character just twitches and the blocks i break respawn back… 4 hrs of waiting and its all lag… I have faith in the Devs so I’m sure this will get better going forward after a planet or two

Oh. I always use Sanctum lol. Didn’t know warping in world eats coins right away.

I give up.

There is one thing to say LLLLLLLAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGG!!!

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Im pretty sure I warned everyone already. 2 more hours

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So much constant whining and moaning. Just go and do something else for a while. Must be pretty disheartening for this small group of devs, to work really hard, release this update, then see a thread called “exo planets disappointment” appear within minutes of the first exoplanet going up.

Just give it time and stop having a crisis.


What level is the new gem at

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I normally would agree here.

However I am inclined not to due to the fact that it was stated multiple times that several needed to spawn in at the beginning.

There have been issues like this in the past and you would think the knowledge would have been applied here.

Also this has been a highly anticipated update and people are in their own right to be frustrated and Express their frustrations on an open public forum.

I myself can’t even play right now due to being at work and I’m frustrated.


if bethesda did this with 76 the bandwagon would be just has bad and no one would be saying give them a chance. i belive just cuz they are indie devs des not mean they can throw QA and common sense out the window


I somewhat agree with this sentiment but after watching a couple people stream and seeing how bad the servers are handling the new worlds… I mean c’mon really??? You have a game with a tiny playerbase and you cant even get servers to properly handle connections??? People are breaking the same blocks over and over and over again with it just continually resetting… disappointing is the right word if you ask me.


You guys keep talking about spawning more.

Didn’t they say only one world would spawn at a time? Or did they change that?

theyve already spawned a second one…

EDIT: One per server region would be reasonable… one per the entire population of boundless is just ridiculous. I understand limiting the resource distribution to ensure theyre valued properly but HUGE oversite IMO


Well, that answers that.

down to 40+ people on planet and better now, still laggy periods every couple of minutes

if they gonna be that way, better set players cap at 40 and just spawn more of them worlds

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Total 3 planets out!! maybe more incoming?

Ugh…they are gonna be cleaned out before I get off work.