Exo Shuttle Station - Free Rides to Exos!

Looks like the resource atlases got raided overnight, I was a little worried about that. :frowning: People buying them probably just for the blink (one of the discovered ones was left, so I don’t think it was the atlas alone, and the free ones were left alone). What I will do is, since I’m usually around so much (except trips like the one upcoming) is just leave out a couple at a time and restock as needed. If it keeps up - if they disappear and no guild members say they’re buying - I’ll take down the sales plinth for the resource ones and just put up a sign saying to message me for any sort of resource for the atlas. :slight_smile:


Not a thread up yet, but I’ve got a few tokens for the new exo up in the station already. :slight_smile: Gleam spot and sapphire mine - loaded! :wink:

cala5 cala5a cala6


Woof online now xD Tell me if you are!

Dug a few more sapphire mines for us - @FireAngelDth did very well with the first one! :slight_smile: This set I took out of this huge hotspot, I’ll go explore some more though-

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We can just put a decent price so they don’t steal them and if we are online we can give them for free in person.

That way anyone can get them if we are not online

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Good idea… I’ll increase the price of the resource ones to 400c, which isn’t too high but enough to discourage taking just for that. And put a message in guild chat about it. :slight_smile:


Just got up, can log in now if you are around still :+1:

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Sorry just saw this. Still online?

At work now, but can log in now :+1:

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Lets meet at station wont take long :smiley:

Will head that way as soon as i log in

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Welcome @Soju-VB, our newest captain!

Edit: We are 7 now!


Thanks for getting me set up!


Btw still waiting for you @pajew to meet and add you to beacon!

Ow sry man I totally forgot lol. I’ve been just running people from my shop sales

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Added completed atlases at the exo station for Cala and put some location tokens in the token stand.


Planning on another trip to Cala in about 10 mins if anyone wants a free ride.

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Thank you so much!! :smiley: I’ll add sapphires to a few and get them on the other plinth - that really seems the thing to go for on this exo, for sure. :slight_smile:

To any who saw that message earlier in chat: cabbie falling asleep at the wheel - really was while waiting there! :flushed::rofl: Not feeling great but at least awake now, so will play for a bit here soon, might run a taxi too in awhile.

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Planning to kill more people eh? :laughing:

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Awesome :D. Thanks a lot!