I was thinking about some traveler role that would be similar to the hunter role, for people waiting for a bus.
I wonder about the rare resource demand though. People may be inclined not to use the bot to get there before others and mine it all.
I guess after the initial rush that wouldn’t happen, but then once you have been to a planet, any further pings for that planet are likely useless to you.
Maybe let people enable and disable traveler requests per planet? Then maybe a command to see the list of people queued for each planet. Then the bot could DM once a portal sponsor runs a different command. Then maybe a command to sign up for new planets automatically (you can disable each planet as you visit them.)
My exact thought but not all planets have petrol/resin (quickly-exhaustible resources) and not everyone goes for these so i think there will be some demand on the trips for people going for regen-able resources or for those simply going on 2nd/3rd trip for more of some rare color. Idk but maybe it doesnt have to be that complicated? Maybe just a ping like the hunts? Because anyway we get pinged for all the hunts although its clear we only go to one a day (or even less often).
i think there is something missing… if you joined exo guild you need to make it primary to use it content right? so for free exo ride you are loosing your old guild buffs for whole week
No you dont need to be primary, just joining the guild will do it if you have the right perms.
@RedY3 this is a nice idea. Only problem we have for this is the right communication. How it will be communicated to reach the most people etc… I was offering the travel in the beginning but mostly no one would comeby. We may need a schedule with definitive hours for some of the travels and the rest could be the discreation of the operators.
Would just be in the book for messaging purposes. Like the OA platforms. Book just for locks and FF. Im going to try to make a bot tho i have never. Im a unity gamemaker programmer. But for now I would recommend the book.
In game guild messages would be good if people join the guild. Orrian (and i guess Simoyd?) are working on some sort of a bot that we hope will be even better. Only problem with definitive hours is exos are unpredictable (unless you mean these trips always happen at a given time no matter if the exo appeared 1 or 10 hours ago).
I joined the guild and put out a message, but for notification here: At the station now, figure I’ll leave (if nothing preventing me playing longer happens) for Char in 15. Will prob just head back to TNT for this one for sure, but for others, also just because right now I’m familiar with it, haha. But waiting at the station now, probably afk for a bit in case you try to talk to me.
I had to leave alone today - no one showed up buuut i hope as more people join, the word is spread out to more people. I also hope we get the bot (looking at Simoyd and Orrian xD).
I don’t mind bringing others with me at the initial rush for resources. As long as they dont follow me lol.
It is a fair start for everyone, trying to run in different directiosn to find a resource.
What if you put a warp that’s idling (turned green and anyone can hit to activate it… dunno what that’s called) behind a locked door. Every hour or two, unlock it and anyone there when the bus leaves gets a free trip? Replacing the warp every time, of course.
Could put baskets up so people can tip the bus driver with stuff from the exo too to encourage people to take a turn as driver.
Edit: dunno if that’s more convenient but I just pictured a sweet little bus stop or call box build for it…
Edit again: we need timers in this game…
Ok guys we are 23 people here in the shuttle but 2 of us will have to go as sacrifice before we open a portal to the exo, pull a stick every one of you and lets see