Exo worlds: clarifications needed?

Citation Needed.


Can you explain what you mean?

Thank you so much for sharing this.
I have said from the beginning that a certain someone and groups of someones were breaking this game and cheating. I still stand by this.

I don’t recall a dev coming out saying it was against TOS. So your post is an opinion article masquerading as fact. But if you have a relevant citation I’ll acknowledge that.


Just because someone didn’t come out and say it was doesn’t necessarily mean it wasnt. How many of us actually read thru the entirety of the TOS?

I guess if you all really wanted me to, I could do a “let’s play: boundless EULA” but no one wants to watch me with my reading glasses on redlining a contract.

Let’s go with the EULA is probably boilerplate and overly vague and this isn’t explicitly denied.

I may have. or at least most of it. and I couldn’t really find anything mentioning such a thing was against such, unless there is a whole document i failed to discover.

I am not trying to masquerade as fact but was trying to share a discussion using words that were brought up in the conversation I had during one of my calls. But, as you share the Dev’s have not publicly commented on this. Due to that, I have adjusted my original post because I will not share the exact discussion and am not interested in disclosing the full extent of my conversations with the development team that I have had directly and was not trying to create a “he said, she said” discussion.

The sentiment of the discussion and my comments were basically on point though. But, the conversations is MUCH bigger than a single line and there is no reason to derail this post with that.

In any event the method was not supposed to happen the way it did and it was blocked. The Exo worlds are back to the way they are supposed to be - a surprise and unique in discovery.


As soon as I found there was a bot notifying about exo spawning, I lost the romanticism of searching through the skies with my characters’ eyes. And the hope and waiting and hope and more waiting and the disappointment and then the big WOW - it’s there!! What is it? What level? What is it called?

Now, back to exploring, looking up and the excitement of spotting an exo. :sunglasses::heart_eyes:


you realize the bot is down not because of the devs, but because discord is playing up and a whole bunch of bots, boundless and not, are down?

I love this. I completely feel you.

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It’s very important to the developers to have a flat game. Thus why so many things are made to be more fair rather than geared to the reward of the grind. This being said, does it make sense to do all of this for causal gamers and not make it clear when exos are coming? People have real schedules. I can see everyone’s frustration here. Summing it up to everyone having lack of patience doesn’t paint the entire picture. It’s just like the maximum portal fuel problem. Why make a game geared for casual gamers only to have portals run out of fuel before 7 days? This to me makes no sense. I know alot of people that left out of this frustration. They could only play on weekends.

Lmao. This was priceless.

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I was not having a discussion on whether the bot is up or down or what caused what. That is a discussion on this caused that or that caused something else which is very subjective in nature.

My comments were very clear on what I was talking about and the adjustments that were made. My response was to communicate some specifics and to let the original poster to be aware of the design of the Exo worlds and if they felt we need more visibility that we need to find in game ideas and share them.

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Explain to me how else i’m supposed to interpret “In any event the method was not supposed to happen the way it did and it was blocked.” other then “the bot ded lol”

What adjustments?

Was trying to gain some insight into the spawn times of exo worlds and I’m guessing no information will be forthcoming.
Which is fine :+1: worth a shot but wasn’t really expecting anything constructive to come out of this thread.

Regarding the discord bot, I don’t see an information slow down without this. The bot wasn’t working a while back and word soon got out to the masses to look to the sky :slight_smile: because some of us can work as a community…working together to achieve a goal (wreck a planet!)
I, for one, appreciated the work gone in to putting the discord channel and bot together. I believe it was done out of a genuine desire to help players.
As to those nolostigc pixel warriors, good for you and give yourself a pat on the back.

You can choose to interpret my words any way you wish. I am just stating what I was given after I asked a question.

I shared it because the OP was bothered by not having EXO notifications. I explained why they are no longer able to be made available on the Boundless side. How others used the system to create the notifications and why that isn’t there is for them to respond to since it was their solution.

The adjustments - A Boundless DB was being accessed to determine when new EXO were online. That DB was not designed for public consumption. The access was blocked.

What evidence do you have of this?

Spawn times are supposed to be random. They are supposed to cover ALL time frames that players play. If people are feeling that they are only coming online during specific times and not for everyone, then they should try to help gather some data to prove that and share the information so that the Devs can adjust EXO release.

I don’t see how this is relevant to the post any longer since I already explained where the information came from in a couple posts on this thread.

But, sure I will clarify one more time - It came up during a conversation on my latest Oortian call with the Developers. I was provided more details but am generalizing the conversation into the key points.