[exoworlds]Jealousy is an ugly emotion

:point_up_2::point_up_2: It seems like everyone will enjoy farming, in some way or other. Some plants appear to be only for deco, and it seems some will have a specific use? Can’t wait :smiley:


Hi! I already have some stacks for you of the wood (both lustrous and twisted) of Ord Trian! Will go out to do stones later this evening!

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when I use them in my tower I will dedicate a room to AeneaGames :sunglasses:

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My main or one of my alts should have you on their friends list, I will set up a few storage blocks with an advanced lock for you to pillage!

Will add some of the almost white foliage as well!

Any other block types you like? Gravel? ash? Mud? Soils?

Yes actually you did because you and others continue to take comments out of context and bring up irrelevant points to my original comment to push their own narrative.

Clearly we have had top tier EXO planets. We have had high-mid tier EXO planets. The original post was about some people not having all the skills needed to get to these planets. I said that EXO were designed for all tiers because I had talked to James about that and knew the plans for them. So I just asked for details on when the lower tiers would be coming out.

Somehow the thread turned into people complaining they don’t get enough high or mid tier content…

So at some point they will change it and have low tiers even tho they said mid to high will be exos?

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Actually, your original comment was divisive, which is normal for you. You throw out loaded comments and then attack anyone that throws up a red flag and calls you out. Your points are valid but your first post is almost always contentious. You could have simply asked when we could expect lower tier Exos but instead you made it an elite versus low end player argument.

I often agree with your sentiment but I rarely agree with your presentation.


This is a complete mischaracterization of me or my style. Yes there are times where I might come in directly and use strong words but there are MORE situations where I come in with a level head and style to bridge the gaps between disagreements.

I do not appreciate people that take things out of context or try to paint me as a bad person. I don’t know you and I certainly have never had any conversation with you. You have no right to come in and take one statement and then make a personal attack against me.

If you actually saw and took the time to read most of my comments you would see that my stronger views come out when people start their own unfair talk or ignore or degrade other people. If people would communicate in a better manner then they would actually get the same response.

Actually I just said that the Exo worlds currently have been for a select group of people… That isn’t divisive - that is a statement of truth based on the planets that were deployed. The developers could have easily provided worlds of all types from the start. So while my original statement could be seen as strongly worded it did not say anything wrong or misleading. It was strongly worded because of my disagreement with the deployment method and my dissatisfaction that the developers have held back the lower level players from experiencing and important part of the game. I’m more than allowed to state my views there. Additionally it did not say that there was anything wrong with the existing worlds. I just asked when we would see the lower tier worlds.

If people decide to turn that into an argument themselves because of some fear that there might be a lower world out there and they don’t get the “end game” content they demand - that is THEIR issue. They and others turned it into a fight because of their response. I have the option to then ignore their responses or give it right back based on how I feel is appropriate at that time.

A person could have either ignored my statements and let James reply or they could have clearly just said that they hope that new worlds would come out for lower level people. Don’t blame me for people’s bad decisions to enter a conversation and then decide to use words calling me out when I did NOTHING to them. The only group that had a right to comment to me directly about how I presented my comments about the Exo worlds were the developers because I was speaking to them.

Well we already know that exos won’t be low tier. Unless they change their mind or you know something that they haven’t publicly said. We’ve already been told t3-t6 will be the exo worlds and t7 will be lucent with eventually t8

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So you only read the first sentence of my comment?


Yes I have a bit more information that was not shared to all and “exo’s not low tier” was not stated. I just don’t remember the exact tier that was the base level because it was a quick conversation.

I would consider T3 acceptable for most situations because it removes the harder creatures and atmosphere constraints. I would assume having a regular release of T3 would have solved Mitte’s original post concerns and certainly removed my feeling to add the words “select people” for our current release.

When we get to Titans obviously top tier would be required. Dungeons, special events, and other returning content could span high tier and low tier (T2 at least) so that high/low levels could access that content based on difficulty. The less restrictions we put on Tier levels for Exo the better it is for providing content for all people and help keep the game from getting stale because we have a persistent universe. Exo’s show the beauty of the boundless world engine - that should be shared by all because it drives excitement, etc.

I agree by and large. I’ve come to realize it probably isn’t intended as I’ve been in the same position several times. Online text is very difficult to parse as you are reading it in your head how you feel it is intended and not with the facial contact and vocalization of the subject matter.

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This is only the third round of Exos right? I haven’t missed a series of T7 worlds have I?

No I read the whole thing. You did not need to start your whole response with an attack.

I am very self aware and know clearly when I am being strong worded or arguing or being fair and giving. One difference between me and others is I never start my conversations out with an attack on a person’s character or tell them how they should respond. Your case is a perfect example of when people do that.

Yeah I do call people out (often when they start calling people names or attack them personally) and many times I frame strong words in my replies when people start off with things with attacks or non relevant information. But, many times I am more than fair and giving.

Take it as constructive criticism. You should reread your posts and see how many could be construed as attacks on people expressing their opposing view. This thread is more than enough of an example.

Edit: I only called out your behaviour not your character.


The problem with construing is it is your perspective and does not mean intent or actual fact. It was a strongly opinionated statement and not divisive because I wasn’t trying to START an argument. OTHER people stepped into the conversation and turned it into one.

I don’t take it as constructive criticism because it wasn’t that. It was an attack. Instead of trying to give me constructive criticism how about you focus on your own person and how you interact with people in a text format and consider not attacking people straight out of the gate when you have never interacted with them. It usually is quite rude to actually give people advice when not asked.

Had you approached the situation correctly the response would have been different. But, I don’t see you apologizing for your comments and instead continue to try to take the high ground acting like you are better, smarter, and more mature at social interactions = know better.

Incorrect. Adding the word “normal” from the above quote contextualizes me as a person that acts this way more than not - hence my “character” because that can be linked to behavior. You, made the choice to bring all of my posts and who I am into your comment turning it into an attack and trying to paint the picture as to who I am.

This is a better and more constructive way to share you view and not turn it into an attack -

"You know that original comment of yours felt divisive to me. From my perspective, many times I’ve seen you throw out loaded comments and then attack anyone that throws up a red flag and calls you out. Your points are valid but your first post is almost strongly opinionated.

Why didn’t you simply ask when we could expect lower tier Exos but instead you made it an elite versus low end player argument?"

That calls out an action without attacking the person because you are stating it from YOUR subjective view. That gives me an opportunity to either agree or disagree or consider a different approach.

Had you done this I would have certainly responded different because I didn’t want to argue or have to defend myself against unwarranted attacks. Yeah I could take the high ground but I have done that a ton in this forum and I get junk from people as well.

Maybe the side discussions could be taken into pms so as not to completely derail a perfectly lovely thread.


Yes please, many of the later posts are way, way, way off-topic and threads have been closed for less.

@Mittekemuis you been to the little postbox yet?? :slight_smile:

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@AeneaGamesI haven’t but it will be the first thing I do this morning!

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Realize it’s a bit late to step in, but @Xaldafax and @Tynker yall should start a new thread for this conversation

Edit: realizing that I’ve been beaten to it for several hours now…