Extreme weather, when we started our city we were looking for a good location including weather consideration. since yesterday extreme sand storms that make building much more difficult and also take away the fun. The visibility is very small and colors can hardly be seen further away. Please remove the storms or make them weaker. We build on gellis - 2.052N -2.1190(H: 90)
I’ve also been experiencing a lot more sandstorms… even at 256 altitude on Tana, various hunts on various worlds. I am wondering what is going on.
Same, odd weather on Cephonex , much darker then usual and weird fog patches in your face as you run .
climate changing
we broke mother nature
Nah thats on earth not in BL :3
Those storm might be a secret method to decrease the server load for some reason or another.
Sudden increase of sandstorms on Raxxa as well.
I was checking stock in my shop at DK Mall when the sandstorm hit. Made it hard to see. But when I went through a portal to my house, which is within about 500 meters from the mall, it was clear. Step back through and sandstorm still blowing.
don’t worry people you just going to have to increase your atmosphere protection…cough
Do you have any screenshot and / or video examples?
Are you just looking for visual proof that the dust storms are occurring on low tier planets?
Sorry for bad quality. Hopefully that shows what’s going on.
It’s like Darude’s 2000 hit Sandstorm is playing on repeat again…
This time can it please not continue for at least a decade? Thanks xD
Oh, that looks familiar. We had fixed this previously, but it seems to have returned. Anyone else getting the same problem?
Was that long before the existence of the annoying ‘What’s the song called’ meme?
I’m also getting the same visual effect across multiple planets on both PC and PS4
Happens in our entire dome on gyosha.
It’s like a Boundless/Prince of Persia mashup event.
It’s like the sand is Hexus and we’re the inhabitants of the Ferngully rainforest.
I have yet to see that. But I have been spending a lot of time in the caves
Ya I’ve had it happen on every planet, everyone in game I’ve talked to can see it and is thinking is has to do with updates coming lol. It will also happen inside closed buildings.