Fall damage, more health = more damage?

I know this has come up before, but it has really been getting to me during this gleam-bow season, I have died so many times from fall damage when I have full health and health epic on my hunter, and even when i don’t die i am having to use many bombs and potions to top-up my health, while my low level Friends only need a minor potion.

Just really bugging me that its not just the same damage for everyone.


After using a bit my hunter for the event i switched to the stealth low vitality skillpage and works better to me.


It’s based on percentage iirc. So technically you’d be losing the same percentage. Just not taking the same exact amount of damage.

yeah, but for arguments sake, if someone has 100 max health and i have 1000 max health, if we are both on 100HP a 10% fall would kill me but only slightly injure the other player. Also if i wanted to get that other 90% back it would cost me more resources than the other player…


I agree this is very silly. Doesn’t look like they are interested in changing it though…


What skills do the other players have compared to your character?

The problem is the relation between having HP and the fall damage reduction skill.

If you have 0 points on HP and max fall damage reduction you can jump high altitudes and take minimum damage or no damage at all but if you increase your HP then the same jump can kill you or take al most all your HP

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Having extra Vitality means you take allot more damage from falls, this is then increased further when having the health Epic skill…

Not only falling.

You drown just as fast…

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Its % based and i have no points in Vitality on any page of my main Character for just that reason.

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Yeah, I don’t like this design choice.
To me it is penalty when players put points to vitality. If consumables/healing bombs/etc would be working percentage based it would make more sense. Now it is good just low hp bottom of sea and use HOT brews or gathering healing buff :smiley:


So was this !! I already said that something was wrong … how could I die faster when I have more life? So health skills are useless unless you want a hunter-tank.

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It’s clearly not percentage based.

Alternatively the falling armor could be made to be a percentage as well. I think the problem is that fall damage is a percentage and falling armor is a flat reduction that doesn’t scale, right?


That seems to be the problem

Did you fall from a great height, or did the height vary?

@vdragon I’ve had it where I’d jump (No jump boosting abilities) and land on a surface one block lower than the surface I jumped from and take a bunch of fall damage, then there’s other times where I could fall off a mountain and land on a sloped block, slide off it land on solid ground and take little to no damage at all.

It doesn’t really seem to be “fall damage” rather than being “velocity damage” for impacting a surface at too great a speed. I’ve grappled myself into the sides of buildings and died on impact from the horizontal motion than a vertical motion.

e: That said, there IS a consistency issue here when it comes to falling from heights. Sometimes I’d take no damage from a 5-block fall, other times I’d take damage. It feels inconsistent.


I especially noticed it when me and a friend fell off quite a high platform, as i died whilst having overall more health, but a smaller percentage was filled. And i noticed the difference hunting for gleambows on a skill-page with less vitality points (needing less potions).

Do you drop same kind of material? That impact damage is also based on what kind of material you are hitting.

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Usually either rock-based or soil-based blocks. (Natural Terrain)

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