FAQ: Sovereign and Creative World

So one thing I haven’t been able to find yet, if we purchase the sovereign world are we able to bring stuff from our home world to.build with or do we need to create it on the world we’ve purchased? Also are you going to be able to set up shops or will that need to remain on known worlds?

Everything is transferable between sovereign worlds and public worlds as they follow the same rules. Everything you can do on the public worlds, such as set up shops, can also be done on a sovereign world.

Creative worlds are the exception to this as they do not follow the same rules and nothing can be transferred outside of the creative environment.

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So you pick the colors after it was generated with its preset?

Yes, once you’ve placed the world control, you open it and customize your colors, name, etc.

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If your planet does timeout, are your builds reclaimed? Or just deleted?

they are reclaimed

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Sorry for all the questions, does the price of the server determine the gleam color options?

No. Colors for any block are not gated by any prices options. Just what has currently be “discovered” in the known world. You can change the colors once per billing cycle.


Gleam colours are also not locked to planet tier, so any colour of gleam can appear anywhere in the universe.


Is there a list of biomes that include gleam? Hard to tell from just names unless all of them have gleam in the name.

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gleam is red in the pictures


Are you supposed to get the link to create your world right after ordering?

Yes. In the email, the sender will be Wonderstruck & the subject will be your order #
The link in that email will say “configure your world”.
That takes you to the customization form.

It’s the 2nd email…

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I didn’t click purchase, just referring to the main page as I see it on my phones browser. Good to know but I’d suggest that was on the main page as well.

@majorvex I’m wondering, do you get to chose the names of each region?

pounds look like this £

You get to name your planet, but not the regions.

How would I know when my planet is ready I have purchased and customised my world I submitted the form but in game I cannot redeem my code do I have to wait u till the code is redeemable?

There’s nothing more you need to do. The world key code was automatically applied. Your world isn’t ready yet. When it is, you’ll see it in the places - worlds menu in-game. This may take up to 24 hours.