Farming combustion per els

I don’t know if this has happened to other combustion farmers out there, I was planting my kernels, and the special block count in my garden would jump around from 220 to 300 something, back to 200 something. I was able to plant my entire crop just thought that was a little confusing and wanted to let yah knows. And it only happens in one spot of my garden.

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I’m not sure how big the area for this is, I thought it was the 8x8x8 plot., but I’ve also had it pop up saying 250 complex blocks in area but was no where near that much.

Thank you for the input. I have a huge area plotted on storris2 that I am moving my entire settlement to. That garden alone is 2000 sustain crops and 600 seed crops. To exoand…muah ha ha ha. I love gardening.

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Likely you are near a chunk border and you are switching between chunks since each chunk has its own item limit.

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Oh that makes complete sense…Lol. I was so confused with numbers fluctuating.

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My storage area crosses a chunk border so I have a similar thing. I built it prior to knowing about “chunks”.

How big is a chunk area?

2 plots x 2 plots.
so 16 blocks x 16 blocks

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This post is handy as well… especially when starting a mesh heavy build and want to spread it across 4 chunks

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