Farming is not for me

Farming is not for me and that’s OK.

I have no interest in daily content or “daily quests”. I have no interest in time gated content whatsoever. I’m not interested to daily till my field. Farming sounds like a mobile game, to me. That’s all fine, not everything is for everyone. And the more the game offers the better.

But if you look at the patch notes from my perspective there’s noting in there I don’t hate…

I was expecting that farming brings a solution to the Oort crisis, some plants that produce Oort shards or a flower-portal that doesn’t use Oort to stay open. But unfortunately, that’s not going to happen.

I was expecting that farming brings a way to create new colors without the need of a temporary planet that will be gone for good after a week. Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen.

I was expecting farming to add an alternative to gathering. To somehow produce beans or lamella. Unfortunately, that’s not going to happen.

What does happen is that you force me to now either buy food or grow my own Earthyams because apparently getting them from a regen farm was to imba. Seriously? Can’t this be an alternative? I actually like regen farming. Why do you force me to play the way you think is right? (You think you do, but you don’t, anyone?)

And as a side effect you’ve rendered the EFC mud, silty, peat and clay farm on Besevrona useless. It won’t make sense to farm blocks on a non level 1 or 2 planet, because they only drop the block anyway. Forging shovels will change as nobody will have a use for dmg 8, 3x3 shovels anymore.

I would suggest you don’t touch block drops and don’t mess with regen farm. There are people who use them, there are people who like them. Make farming an alternative to regen farms. Give them a higher amount of special drops to compensate that they won’t drop the block.

Add something cool to farming. Allow us to grow plants that collect Oort to create Oort shards. But don’t make these seeds only drop on Level 7 planets or something silly as that. Make it something I can gather based on my schedule, not the spawn schedule of some Exo planet.

Stop taking away from the game, it’s not like it’s to easy. Take a look at bricks? It’s insane what you need to make bricks. The only thing that makes this bearable are regen farms. Regen farms are here because you’re game is to grindy. Regen farms are what makes the grind tolerable.

And bricks are easy compared to some other blocks…


I have some of these farms and I run a Brick,deco,marble etc…shop, and a big plus to farming mud was the exotic and waxy yams that dropped with the Clay and Mud. So now I gotta farm Mud and clay and literally farm both kinds of yams now too AND search and farm for seeds? yeah that gets a bit grindy even for me who likes a good grind normally. I really wasnt looking for a part time job I play to relax.

So yeah OP I feel yuh.


I’m in full support of you and this post.

I am looking forward to tinting though even with it being exo-centered.

That being said… I think our expectation that this would be adding things to the game, rather then changing the way the game is played, is a big issue.


To quote James, or Luca, I can’t remember which, farming as we have it is the basis of what it could be later. They do plan to expand it later on


In this first pass farming replaces aoe block farming of certain mats with time gated surface gathering.


Well said friend. I am hoping that the devs minds will be changed in the situation. Allow there to be two paths. Block farming and cultivation farming. Like you said this will cripple several farms and businesses people have put time and effort into. A lot of us did it simply to help the community and unfortunately now feel like were just getting punished for it. Hope this all works out in the end…though not getting my hopes up.


As farm owners, would you guys accept reduced drop rates?


I like this idea. Add a special benefit to cultivation farming. That you can only receive by farming the new method. Maybe the yams/starberrys you receive are enriched with special properties or you only need half as many for the food recipes when you have the “enriched produce”. Just like the enriched fuel that is in the update, have enriched starberries and enriched yams.


I think keeping both systems would be great and reduced drop rates would be a good compromise. More options not less is always good. I, however, do not see this happening as farming has been designed as a direct replacement.

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I feel some kind of compromise would be a good idea. Input from the developers on how they would feel about it or if they would be willing to leave the block drops available would be helpful. Maybe they have and I have just missed it…

… and each expansion will have its naysayers and detractors. All change is bad, even when you get what you ask for.

So if people have concerns or would like compromise then dismiss them outright? There will come a patch that you feel strongly about, I hope you remember how dismissive you are being now.

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This doesn’t feel like expanding of the current farming method this feels like saying Pluto is no longer a planet…or 2+2=5. It’s shredding the current farming method and just throwing in a completely different type.


bomb mining 2.0


This is a direct replacement, and the time to gather some of these mats goes up DRASTICALLY.


Atleast they left miners with AOE tools.

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I’m not sure the game need less efficiency for anything. If it’s reduced just a bit, why bother? Why making it more grindy then it is today for player who prefer regen farming? And if it’s reduced too much it won’t be worth anymore.


You have to make it less efficient because the new system is, for some mats, 11 times less efficient.

‘time gated gathering’

Gathering diamonds to craft diamond shovels to then gather mats for forging to put AOE on a tool to wait for all that to process …

So you could go AOE farm until your tool broke.

Not sure what time gate you didn’t experience…we are just all already setup for it. Just as time consuming either way


You can buy rough diamonds, you can buy unforged tools, you can buy fully forged tools. All of this lets you skip these soft time gates. The inly way to skip crop growing times is to buy finished crops and that is a hard time gate. Nothing you do reduces the time needed to get your mats.

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