Feather Falls Mob Farm

Simple answer: Me. I don’t mind doing it, its a labor of love to take care of the community and give people some extra great stuff. I’ve never heard anyone complain when they end up with over 100 RoadRunner Feathers.

Flatly put- it’s the whole point of Feather Falls is the ability to just sit and hangout without needing to have everyone hunting.


@AlexxChristo Hold me a spot im interested ,good job bro!


For some of you who have been wonderful enough to help discuss the way this farm works and try to help <3 much love.

You can argue AFK semantics with me all you want- but if i’ve left my character there during an event while i do nothing and come back to a stack of mob trophies, hopper cores and feathers galore. Imma pretty accurately say i was “away from keyboard”

You can AFK if you want to,
You can leave your friends to hunt,
because your friends don’t hunt
and if they don’t hunt well they’re
probably at the farmmmm

if you’re really confused on the concept or can’t quite understand how it works i’d happily invite anyone to join up in a voicechat they’d like on discord and send me an invite or just meet me in GTG chat. I’ll happily sit there and explain everything about my last 3 years building this mob farm and the details on why what works and how. I’ve been meticulously toying with this build for so very long making sure to tweak how best to make a fun side event combined with a way to earn loot.


I got you my dude <3


:raising_hand_man: Me sometimes. Obviously I won’t be hanging there all the time but I’ve spent whole nights pulling on a number of weekends in the past year.

Not speaking for Alexx here, to me it’s a social thing where we happen to get loot. I like throwing some beers back with the buddies on the weekend and it generally gets harder to build as the night goes on :sweat_smile:, while hunts are usually a little too busy for me to enjoy as I would on a normal sober night. I find pulling mobs a lot more fun than hunting. We’ve pretty much had parties there with most people hanging out in the center while 1-3 are up top pulling. It can get competitive too depending on who’s getting into it.

I know that isn’t everyone’s thing on Fridays and Saturdays but it’s an example of the social side beyond AFK loot. Now that it’s built up and more official, there will surely be groups that want to go together and put out a little notice to the community that it’ll be running.


You know I love to ramble, and isn’t this ironic …

IIRC this place was “frowned upon” for the sheer amount of loot people were collecting while idling AFK. By frowned upon I mean, it worked so well it was causing complaints about game balance and cheating :rofl:

Re-open it in the current situation and people are like “dude it isn’t even 100% AFK”.

This is one of the oldest, and definitely most effective, mob farms in the game.


work smart, not hard xD


One way to reach it is thru TNT T5-T6 network at the Kol Huroo hub. There is a marked portal to Feather Falls


I somehow missed this comment in the middle of all this:
If you’re asking for directions to get to Feather Falls, we are currently accessible Via:
TNT T5-T6 Network & Pharro’s Network from GTG
I’m working with Ultima to connect their Kol Huroo to Feather Falls as well so expect that connection to be coming soon!

If you’re asking directions on how to use the portals while within the farm:
There is a White Gleam Portal that will take you to and from the Hunting Tower where you will be able to either shoot, lure or drag mobs to their doom! The Grey Stone portal in the Tower takes you from the bottom level of the tower to the top, when you go through that portal you have a chance to spawn more mobs again. You’ll start to get the feeling for it after some trial and error! Also feel free to hop in and chat with any of us that know what we are doing up there and we would gladly give you our best tips and tricks in a rundown!

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That awkward moment when I almost got the mob looting changed because everyone complained I’ve broken the hunting system. :man_shrugging:
At this point I’m just opening it back up because I feel like with the remaining player base this might be a huge benefit to those who need more and more mob loot to help them craft items for sale in the economy.
My backup plan this time is to try to keep another T6 hub portal open that runs between McRib and Houchous in case there are too many people on Kol Huroo again, because let’s face it. when this place really gets up and kicking it can sometimes fill the whole planet capacity.

Can’t wait to catch ya back out there!! <3


@AlexxChristo, Dude this is an awesome build which anyone could see took time and thought to put together. I think it’s awesome what you’ve done for the community. Now people have a reason to always keep the game running and just sit and collect some good loot if they wanted.


yes that’s the idea, anyone at all who needs to collect T6 loot may sit here and not be expected to pay anyone or be forced to participate if they don’t want to pull. Plenty of us think its a grand ol’ time to sit here laughing the day away on an endless series of mobs.

I am hoping that this may be a kind of neutral ground, I want all players to be nice and respectful, the goal out here is that if anyone is doing work, we all can win. Find some common ground in the enjoyment of mobs slowly burning to death in lava.


I for one love pulling mobs and fun fact I’m almost always online in my shop doing nothing so if u want a puller u can always ask the foxxy :sweat_smile:


Just spent a couple of hours there for funzies… watching the mobs go round and round to the bottom… evil laff … plus showing off my long-range grapples snobby laff

:slight_smile: all jokes aside… nice chill sport… with benefits


Wanted to bring it up- I’ve had a bunch of peeps already coming through to check it out and start using the farm, please feel free to come and hang as long as you guys would like. I’m going to be starting up more seriously pulling mobs from Thursday-Sunday as just a “we are bored and wanna hand out tons of loot” kind of event. So if you find yourself standing around at your build not really doing anything and playing on your phone more, shame on you. you should be out here gathering some more drops for free :stuck_out_tongue:


I can’t believe the massive tangent this thread took because of one little phrase.

Nice job! Looks like it took a really long time to plan and build.


The critters do sometimes fall w/o anyone pulling them :smiley:


Paid a visit to this and it’s a great thing. We’ll done!

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Good for Practicing my skills when I go on a killing Spree Mwahahahahaha :cookie:


Thought I’d leave this here, dug up some old footage of the farm wayyyyy back in the days of PURE <3