Feathers for Spicy Beans - Exchange rate

So I have been seeing these posts for trading of one item for another. Just thought I would gauge what people thought for this exchange. I was thinking maybe 200 spicy beans to 1 feather.

Thoughts? To high/to low?

Just as a clarifying point are you looking for feathers or spicy beans?

should be like 30 beans per feather according to boundlesstrade pricing. unless my math is way off, it’s early :sweat_smile:

Apparently spicy beans are becoming a currency unto themselves lol


I am looking for the beans. However it was more of a “What do you think of the exchange rate?”

Yes your math is off :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I have been enjoying this development. I find gathering very relaxing after work. My coin has gotten a much needed boost after buying tools to farm the dozen or so exo worlds we have had.

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Gems used to be currency. I’ve dealt in bartering since the beginning of my time here. Coin was virtually pointless to me until they introduced exo planets. I’ve always been able to find trades for items I’ve had.

Imo I’m still a fan of a heavily barter based community but since the advent of the chrysominter all my trades no longer hinge on that since coin is obviously the universal currency, as intended.

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Noted, I can shut up lol.

Noted. Ok so my personal opinion since you are looking for feedback is that 200 beans is slightly too high.

I would say 150 beans is more fair but this is also due to me not ever paying more than 6k per feather.

If you give each bean a value of 40c which seems to be the current market average you are essentially asking 8k per feather.


I’m not the only one then! I love a leisurely gathering session :slight_smile: and selling spicy and bitter beans gave me a much needed cash injection while I was still levelling


Ok…I thought as much and originally was going to say like 160ish but I want to see where it could go due to the scarcity of feather drops.

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Honestly 160ish is pretty fair IMO too as it is significantly easier to farm up the beans as opposed to the feathers. 200 seems a bit much though.

I like the concept of bartering. Sometimes you might have 4000 refined iron that someone needs bad and has say hopper cores. You trade them and everyone is happy because we don’t have to “wait till we have money”.


Bartering works by current need, I may not need feathers but have a dire need for X. This leads to trades that can fall outside what direct coin values might be. I also greatly enjoy barter and would love an ingame option for it as well.

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Yea, I completely agree. Way back when, I asked if we could get an option for shop plinths to offer items for direct trade of other items. It’d make the bartering system flourish and shine but it would almost negate the need for coin, not entirely of course but it would greatly diminish its role.

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I have a couple of thousand of spicy, what are people using it for?

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Forging for starters - I’d wager that’s what the majority use it for. Paste paste and more paste.


Paste is life…at least until they change it LOL.

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paste base uses spicy and bitter beans

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