Hey everyone.
I am dedicating my alt (Fif) to be using his friends list to run at least one (more if successful) long term Storage options. I use gleam club and have plans to continue doing so for the foreseeable future. I currently have 20 6x6 walls of storage blocks setup for rent/sale (thats 144 slots!). It is now sets of 10 gleam chests, 40 units each so that is 400 slots! If you need a place to stash stuff for taking a break, or want to free up space in your base, or just simply want another cashe of stash we are here for you!
All units are secured with 4 advanced locks, and current rates are posted in the screenshots.
How or why should we trust this?
You will have access to other peoples stuff.
You don’t mention anything in your post about who you are, or give any character evidence.
they have been playing since 2015. most long term players are concerned with keeping in good standing with the community. that said it’s probably a good idea to research there past interactions on the forums.
funny I just offerd the same deal to a pal the other day. and then thought of providing the same service but decided agents it. to much headache potential.
The burden should be on the OP to offer this Information up to try to make what he is offering have more credibility, I feel a decent amount of people won’t go digging thru his pasts posts and the OP should link or provide some Information to try to sell himself as trustworthy for it.
Otherwise I think a decent amount of people might not even give what he is offering too much consideration since he has not done such to try to explain to people who he is.
There’s those of us who do this without advertisement too. I have more plots on other people’s beacons then I do my own just waiting for them to come back.
But this may prove to work out for him and people who need something like this.
I was just thinking of building a set of these.
I have 6 months of gleam club, figured if someone wanted to rent a few hundred cubes of space on an alt with 300 free plots… well that sounds like a good idea.
In any case, good idea OP.
This happens a lot in EVE online Years of building trust, only to be thrown away for a big loot heist. Not saying the OP is going for that, boundless is a different game too so resources and wealth aren’t that valuable here.
Seen it, have had it happened, can 100% confirm that almost everybody haves their „price“ once the pile gets large enough. But that is also quite the PvP game where backstabbing is promoted. not really the same case as boundless, but rotten eggs in every basket.
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What an awesome business idea!
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Well with the current market on oorstone dropping like crazy for the right price anything is on the table.
Fair enough. I am Fiffer, I run the Fif Land Chain of stores. I am a launch baby, I watched EA but didn’t hop in since I had been burned by too many EA games by the time I found this one. What I enjoy most about boundless is running a store, so reputation ruining is not something I’m key to start getting from double crossing players.
Originally I thought about renting them out, and giving a 30day grace period after their rental was overdue, then of course auctioning to the highest bidder. That was way to much hassle and was wrought with issues about making fair communication and upfrontness about it.
So that is why in the pictures I don’t mention renting, I can negotiate it but I would only do so if that is what the other player wanted, I’d rather help someone then screw them over.
Maybe that’s not a lot to go off of, I am also known as fiffer or fiffer13 in other games, and my discord is fiffer13#4304. I play multiple times a week, normally late am on weekdays and weekends whenever i can fit it in. I could claim all sorts of things about my character in a forum post so I’m not really sure how I can “Verified that I am trustworthy” beyond giving you the information about me that can be verified in game.
Oortstone is dropping in price? I need to know where you buy it. Cheapest I ever see is 180 and that’s a very small amount. Usually it’s 220.
Sorry for the off topic comment @Fiffer13
Good luck with your storage business! Also I like your beckon shop
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Lol, when I quit eve it was exactly this
I meant to sell it not buy it
people buy it at 150c to 180c in request baskets is what i was referencing my numbers off of.