Footfall status after Release 211



Release 211: Empires - Guilds and Messaging++!


  • Footfall payments now require the Beacon to have >;10,000 Prestige rather than the payments being scaled down for small Beacons, this prevents exploiting the system by having a tiny empty Beacon in a settlement.
  • Footfall payments will now be granted whenever the user enters a Beacon of a given player in a settlement after 1 day, but at a reduced amount unless the player has not visited a Beacon of that player in the settlement for 5 days.
  • Footfall payments will scale down based on how many Players have visited a Beacon of that player in the settlement in the last 24 hours.
  • Footfall will no longer reset when a server resets with visited times properly serialised in the World state on the server."

This is in the Release 211: Empires - Guilds and Messaging
This is why I stated 5 days.
It is stating that in it will scale down based on how many players have visited a Beacon of that player (shop owner) in the settlement in the last 24 hours.
But at a reduced amount unless the player has not visited a Beacon of that player (shop owner) in the settlement for 5 days.

Somewhere I and others have read further explanation that if the same player visit once a day during that 5 days, it resets for that player back to day one. And I am gathering that that player can be the shop owner. I visit my shop sometimes more than once a day.
I visited the mall several times over the three days I was looking gems, I needed to buy emeralds, sapphires and amethyst, but when I added it would cost me more to make then then buy them. So looking again for the cost of advanced coils. But some shops were out of the ones I needed so more trips to see if restocked and other items I needed.
That was several times I passed shops, stepped into them to see if they had what I needed. That affected those shop owners whose shop I passed. Not fair to them.
Go to shop Baker Street, turn right, go all the way down, turn right again, go approx. halfway down and you will find my shop. That is a lot of shops I pass. Even the short cut by going through a couple shops that connect streets causes other shops to lose out, especially the ones I shortcut through.
I don’t get enough visitors to have the same person who stops in my shop, but others do, and that isn’t fair to them.