Footfall status after Release 211

Definitely not getting the foot fall I was before the update. Bumped up a few of my beacons prestige to over 10000 to see if they start producing coin again. In the mean time I built this.


@lucadeltodecso @james

I have a question since I realised something…

I always have some issues with not enough plots, so the market is a bit messy in places with plots owned by several alts.

The two with the most plots there are my Merchant alt and my main.

So I have a bit of a footfall trap in front of my portals which just grew like that out of necessity. Once I noticed I thought “meh, kinda handy”.

The first 2 rows right after coming out of the portals:
first row: Main
second row: Merchant

then either shop stalls or paths, the paths can be on those 2 or on my Crafter.

My question thus is:
A player visiting my market first steps onto my main’s plots, then walks further and goes over my merchant’s plots. No one can somehow manage to not do this, or they have to come walking instead of using portals.

How come my merchant’s beacon is receving more footfall coin than my main?

Fun fact: my main has almost 3k plots around New Leyden ALL on the same beacon

I can’t wrap my head around this at all! I would actually expect it to be the other way around (which it was with the old system!).

Also, please reconsider refreshing the last visit date+time stamp for a player who has visited already in the past 24 hours!

Like someone already said, if a person comes back every 23 hours they will never generate footfall after the first time. That is correct, but a more real example would be a player who comes around twice a day every day.

Surely this can not be what is actually a good thing?

I understand you want to dampen footfall for busy places, but if I just create a place where people frequently come back to I am being punished for that.

Do I have to close the market every 24hours to be able to get more footfall?

You mentioned the design didn’t match the implementation, fine, but please reconsider changing the design as well please!

Expected behaviour:
Player A visits on January 1 at 12:00, time+date is saved. Coin given.
Player A visits on January 1 at 23:00, time+date not refreshed, visited in past 24 hours, coin not given.
Player A visits on January 2 at 12:00, time+date is saved. Coin given
Player A visits on January 2 at 23:00, time+date not refreshed. Coin not given.
Player A visits on January 3 at 12:00, time+date is saved. Coin given
Player A visits on January 3 at 23:00, time+date not refreshed. Coin not given.
Player A visits on January 4 at 12:00, time+date is saved. Coin given
Player A visits on January 4 at 23:00, time+date not refreshed. Coin not given.
Player A visits on January 5 at 12:00, time+date is saved. Coin given

With your current design AND implemetation it is:
Player A visits on January 1 at 12:00, time+date is saved. Coin given.
Player A visits on January 1 at 23:00, time+date refreshed. Coin not given.
Player A visits on January 2 at 12:00, time+date refreshed. Coin not given.
Player A visits on January 2 at 23:00, time+date not refreshed. Coin not given.
Player A visits on January 3 at 12:00, time+date is saved. Coin not given.
Player A visits on January 3 at 23:00, time+date refreshed. Coin not given.
Player A visits on January 4 at 12:00, time+date refreshed. Coin not given.
Player A visits on January 4 at 23:00, time+date not refreshed. Coin not given.
Player A visits on January 5 at 12:00, time+date is saved. Coin not given.


And another question (post was already rather long)

I tested something out, I moved 3 plots in a path on the market from my merchant to my main and made 3 seperate beacons. I’ve seen players run over them, a friend’s alt ran over them on purpose.

Coin in each of the 3 beacons: 0c

(and yes, no bridging issues, prestige above 10k on each)

Correct behaviour???

Also, hope you’re not taking this the wrong way, just trying to help to get to the bottom of this!

@james @lucadeltodecso

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I am understanding I that this is a bug that needs time to work on. The problem in the footfall, the coins is not intended to be a nerf.
However, the setup of coins that shop owners get from footfall is intentional, planned.
What I don’t like is the concept that Player A comes and looks at my shop and buy 100c coins worth and I get 80c for the visit. Timer is set to day one
Two days later Player A comes back and spends another 50c on something. I get no footfall And the timer is reset to day one
Day four the same player runs past my shop and stops to say hi since I am there restocking. Timer is reset to day one
Day five, don’t see Player A
Day six, I am thinking that from Player A, if they visit, I will now get footfall from them

But, according to your programing, The timer has been resent on day four So I now have four more days to wait. And during that four days, the player stops in twice. So, the timer resents.
A month later, because the player has passed by my shop and maybe every three of four days looked to see if there is anything new, I won’t have gotten any footfall from him.
I’m not wanting a lot of coins, just enough to buy what I need and some to splurge on some items. But, the footfall of 500c to 1k a day would be helpful. To lose it would cause me to not have the ability to have a shop.
And like the others, why have a shop if I can’t afford to buy what I can’t get on my own to make the items I want or need to make the food or ingredients?

Footfall needs to reset to a day. I am in the mall two and sometimes three times a day, maybe later I won’t go as much, but maybe I will still continue to visit, but either way, Those visit will hurt fellow shopkeepers and that isn’t fair that when I have to run past to get to my shop I just made them lose footfall.

The bug that caused the beacon owner visiting the beacon to reduce footfall has already been fixed and is no longer the case.

As I understand the system in its current iteration, you are getting a reduced amount of coin (in my Mall shop it appears to be about 24c out of the full 80c) for repeat visitors. If they come in every day it will continue to be the lowered amount every day. If they take a break and come back a few days later, you will receive the full amount of coin. The only time they should give you 0c is if they come back within the first 24 hrs.

On a final note, I of course would love to see an increase in coin generation rather than an overall decrease (especially with the introduction of the guild buffs as a sizable new coin sink).

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Did you not see them say footfall is still bugged and it will be worked on after the weekend?

I’ve seen it, yes. But it seems folks are having trouble keeping track of which bugs are fixed.

On a side note, the fact James chose to call it an “issue” rather than a bug and followed up with the next comment leads me to believe that the problem is more along the lines of the system they implemented is simply not having the effect they intended (rather than an error in the programming (aka a bug)).

EDIT: This is, of course, pure speculation on my part.

Well the whole topic says issues even tho there’s bugs listed in there too so kind of hard to say

And if they come back tomorrow before the 24 hours are up the timer is reset.
Also if they come by twice a day you will always get 0c from them for eternity…

That’s not what I expected to happen!

It does. What you describe, if that person comes around once a day, every day, AT THE EXACT SAME TIME, then you will get coin every day.
But the first day you get the full amount, 2nd day a bit less, 3rd day even less, etc. Only after 5 days have passed you will get the full amount again.

Problem is tho, no one is ever going to come by at the same time every day, it can be a few minutes to hours later which is not an issue, but if they come by 5 minutes earlier today than yesterday the game sees “oh, was here within the past 24 hours, reset that timer! NO COIN”…

Which is certainly no what anyone expected to happen…

Did you also read that by their design that there are things that don’t seem to be ‘correct’. And I use correct here as in: totally not what people expected it to be

So, some of my recent posts are trying to address that, incorrect design…

Of course I don’t know since I don’t work there, but he did say that the code does not represent the design they made. So perhaps not a bug but a faulty implementation could also be the case.


Again, I’m also pointing out faults in the design. The updating of the time+date of a player visiting your beacon every time they do and this time+date being used to determine if you receive coin the next time they come around which you don’t, EVER, if they keep coming back within 24 hours of the last visit every single time (ie. someone coming by your shop twice a day or more).

This is what their design says, if it’s implemented correctly in the game is besides the point…

Just checking in to be helpful…

Footfall this morning on my main beacon (1.3m prestige, next to PS hub) is 166c
About 10% still of previous days before the patch.

Aren’t you speculating about how it works? What if it’s “the next time a player hits after 24 hours you get paid again, but at a reduced amount”?.

I think the idea is that the first hit is boosted to help people with low footfall; then subsequent ones are at a more “normal” rate. The clock resets after a few days then you get the boosted amount again.

But my point is, we shouldn’t state as fact things we don’t know for sure. I don’t doubt the new system needs tuning. I also don’t doubt there may be a few bugs. And, I’d be very surprised if the devs didn’t evolve the design. But I don’t know for sure :slight_smile:

That comment wasn’t to you it was to ark.

Hi Marrs,

What Aenea was saying is correct according to the info given by @lucadeltodecso.

It’s buried in the ‘footfall status after release 211’ thread, and over several spilt up posts, due to thread merges.

Have a look though for my comments and the responses to them, it is stated that the design was made so that if a player visited a beacon twice a day everyday, or once every 23 hours as I put it, you would never receive coin after initial visit.

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True but where does it say that the 24 hours resets every time that same person comes back? Where does it say if a person returned every 23 hours you’d never get any more coin after the first hit? I’d like to read the source of “This is what their design says”. It’s interesting. It’s complicated.

Because Luca explicitly said that is what happens. It’s there in the comments…

Somehow the forum doesn’t always show to who a reply is to and it could also have been a generic reply to all still talking :slight_smile:

Read from here down:

Continuing the discussion from Footfall status after Release 211



Release 211: Empires - Guilds and Messaging++!


  • Footfall payments now require the Beacon to have >;10,000 Prestige rather than the payments being scaled down for small Beacons, this prevents exploiting the system by having a tiny empty Beacon in a settlement.
  • Footfall payments will now be granted whenever the user enters a Beacon of a given player in a settlement after 1 day, but at a reduced amount unless the player has not visited a Beacon of that player in the settlement for 5 days.
  • Footfall payments will scale down based on how many Players have visited a Beacon of that player in the settlement in the last 24 hours.
  • Footfall will no longer reset when a server resets with visited times properly serialised in the World state on the server."

This is in the Release 211: Empires - Guilds and Messaging
This is why I stated 5 days.
It is stating that in it will scale down based on how many players have visited a Beacon of that player (shop owner) in the settlement in the last 24 hours.
But at a reduced amount unless the player has not visited a Beacon of that player (shop owner) in the settlement for 5 days.

Somewhere I and others have read further explanation that if the same player visit once a day during that 5 days, it resets for that player back to day one. And I am gathering that that player can be the shop owner. I visit my shop sometimes more than once a day.
I visited the mall several times over the three days I was looking gems, I needed to buy emeralds, sapphires and amethyst, but when I added it would cost me more to make then then buy them. So looking again for the cost of advanced coils. But some shops were out of the ones I needed so more trips to see if restocked and other items I needed.
That was several times I passed shops, stepped into them to see if they had what I needed. That affected those shop owners whose shop I passed. Not fair to them.
Go to shop Baker Street, turn right, go all the way down, turn right again, go approx. halfway down and you will find my shop. That is a lot of shops I pass. Even the short cut by going through a couple shops that connect streets causes other shops to lose out, especially the ones I shortcut through.
I don’t get enough visitors to have the same person who stops in my shop, but others do, and that isn’t fair to them.