Footfall status after Release 211

I wonder, if on some part, the reduced footfall may also be attributed to players currently spending more time at their bases - setting up guild controls, aligning beacons, making helix machines, building new places to store all this stuff etc.

i wonder if it would be worth visualising the visitor data (since last coin collection) to beacon owners, so they can see exactly where footfall has been generated? Something like :-

5x visitors @ 60c
9x visitors @ 45c
3x visitors @ 30c
17x visitors @ 15c

That way it will also help players to better understand the traffic they get to their plots.

I’m not sure how messy that could get with the other factors like busy beacon + repeat visits though.


I was just about to ask for pretty much the exact same thing!

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Thank you, glad to hear that this is not intended behaviour

I think the issue is that pre this patch we were receiving footfall for each visiter on a much shorter refresh scale. I know I would get coin from players in my settlement every day that they visited. And I would get 60c of footfall. Some times on multiple beacons that I own (which isn’t supposed to be how it worked at the time, but I figured it was just all broken.)

Now with the update we are seeing a more consistent version of the footfall mechanic, and it’s giving some players much less footfall than they were getting from it pre patch. I know I’m getting 300-400c per day when I used to average 1600-1800 per day in footfall since patch. This is currently including the 2 broken days, will give a clearer comparison as more days pass.

I run a fairly busy shop and make good coin as it is, but devs may want to look into a decay timer in footfall instead of a refresh timer. Something like 4-5 hours since the person’s last visit they can generate coin but it starts at 2c per hour above the 4-5 and caps at max footfall amount. (obviously these are not balanced numbers just simple to get idea across)

As it is, I will stop getting footfall from most of my normal customers since they check my shop and buy/sell much more often than every 24 hours. I don’t rely on the footfall but the new system has made my shop an incredible coin sink. I lose alot in taxes from the economy but barely generate a fraction of that back in footfall. I’m guessing it’s supposed to work this way, but it is frustrating to see that feat with well over 100k coin burned to the taxes in the sky :wink:

Good to see that it’s being looked at. From what I was seeing last night testing with a friend, footfall is currently just shy of 50% on average for a player that has already visited but varies wildly from beacon to beacon, plus or minus 10%. We didn’t track it meticulously but noticed that after a few chars ran through plots we didn’t get full credit.

Can test further tonight, but if you guys already found it we’re probably good to go.

Just don’t let it go another month this time lol. We lost a lot of players to that. Sure, the argument was, “But it has been 24 days timer since launch,” but you guys were basing balance on the assumption that 24 days had somehow become the expectation simply because it had in theory been the reality… even though 24 days didn’t become a reality until we were a month in.

If it makes you feel better I haven’t gotten any coins at brick Corp in new layeden.

Are you claiming 0 coins? Or very few.

From a bug hunting perspective these are quite different.

Can anyone tell me, what’s the maximum coin p/person you can earn? Is it 80?
If so, how much prestige do you need to have to trigger it?

I think 100 is max. At least that’s the highest I’ve seen

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Here you go:


thank you…

very much (10 characters)

If you’re in a (great) city then you need 10k at least to trigger that…

Footfall report:

I havent checked this beacon since yesterday around 7-8pm cst. I usually get around 2k coins a night on the low side. My beacon currently has 216c in it. so a roughly 25% of what i used to get.

They’re still working on it. Looks like we’ll get a patch next week.

So a whole weekend of pretty much no footfall. This is an issue that should be hotfixed before the weekend. Shouldnt be this many bugs on a realeased product. :expressionless:

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Thanks @james and @lucadeltodecso. The bug is buggy but I can be patient for a few more days… I’m just glad to know you guys see there is an issue and are working on it. I’d rather you keep it stable than release it before it’s right.

You guys are doing great! Thank you!

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For a non-trivial fix they’re doing the best they can. Hopefully we’ll see the finished product tilt more into “buff” territory than “nerf.”


I am ok with where i was. I was making around 10k daily now im seeing maybe 1k

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Yeah we have no idea where it’s headed since it’s currently broken.

I have experienced both of these. My largest beacon has received zero since 8am uk. My shops, as per my post. Very very low