Footfall status after Release 211

Nope. the timer has always reset on each visit. The only reason people got any real footfall coin “at all” before was because none of the timers were persisted, so each server reset after a crash/update cleared all the visit times again.

Ok, fair enough, BUT how was it possible that in the old system I received about 10k on one beacon each day. After all, those had to be unique visitors who had not visited in the past 24 days, right?

Then how come I receive way less now?

ok, fine, the drop-off, but is the drop-off so, so big that it’s causing me to receive so much less in 24 hours?

I can’t believe that is correct…

Hence why I am starting to feel to quit with my market, makes no sense at all anymore. Sure it wasn’t about the footfall but it helped to keep me going…


Exactly, I run legendville mall, it isnt that big. But the footfall made it worth my time. After this, I am not sure i want to waste my plots.

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Plots, time, etc., etc.

yeah, not feeling it. Ah well, perhaps time to play some other games…

I use about 1200 oort shards daily. I guess ill save that. Especially if the hunts crash the game anyways. Bugs after bugs after false claims in updates. This was supposed to be an increase in footfall. I guess ill just stop buying cubits for plots and just start my end game solo build.

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So now what has effectively happened, given the relatively small player base, is that the system is the same as before, 0c for repeat visits, but with a reduction in coin per visit for attracting more people to your beacon.

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^^ This.

I used to only see about 1-2k per day and now I’m lucky to see 200-300c.

I think I misunderstood you earlier in the other thread, Luca. I thought there had been another update after yesterday’s update and then I said, let’s wait and see. But if I actually did misunderstand, then we still have a problem.

The idea of the updated footfall system that came with Empires was supposed to give more coin for our pockets. This update has obviously had the reverse effect and it’s not working. The economy of the game cannot survive with the way it is now, over the long term. Well, not in an enjoyable fashion anyway. This is a Game afterall and some of the fun is getting sucked out of it with this issue as it is.

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On top of the small as ever playerbase, this will hurt and shut quite a few hubs down. making it even harder to hold on to new players that come into the game with a lil quality of life. I literally only see a certain amount of players. This will pretty much stop all footfall income.

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On top of that, the huge amount of coin per guild helix…

The game will soon be sucked dry. Especially the newer guilds.

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Oh indeed! I brought this very point up in another thread. They’ve added a huge coin sink to the game which takes coin and vaporizes it. It doesn’t run back into the economy once it enters a machine like it would in a shop stand or request basket. Eventually, with all the coining into the machines, there’ll be no coin left in the game.

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Very small playerbase to sell to. Which will come around once a day. So no footfall coin generating. No coin being created. On top of that, itll end up shuting down hubs, so less new players will stay. Old timers will end up quiting and guild fees will suck the rest dry. Thats a market crash. Too much money out and no where near enough being created. I dont understand how this is even a possibility in a game that footfall is in only coin creator.

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We’re not ignoring this issue. It’s still flagged as a known issue and under investigation:

Reporting what you’re getting in comparison to what you used to get is helpful - so please do this. Try to be precise rather than general.


Well, I can’t be too precise about what I used to get in footfall but it averaged between 1-2k per day in my main Gellis Prime shop. Almost 3k on a really good day.

I haven’t touched my coin box in over 24hrs and it’s currently at 264c.

My smaller shop, also in Gellis Prime, averaged at just under 1k per day. The coin box, again, untouched for over 24hrs currently stands at 8c.


Can this be confirmed by another dev? Because this to me seems like a huge nerf. and itll end a large amount of footfall to any type of hub.


How is this not implying that it’s the players responsibility to fix issues, or stop them happening?

I will leave it at that as this is getting a little off track.

Apologies to everyone else.

So this is incorrect, if it is flagged as a known issue?

Not having a go, just for clarity.

Apologies for posting this twice, just didn’t want it to get lost in the merge!

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Since the update yesterday afternoon in my 2 beacons I now have almost 2k and a bit over 2k in the other.

Both used to give 10-12k in one, 13-15k in another, amounted usually to about 25k a day.

What’s now in there usually was in there after mere hours, especially over night (am in EU).

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Whilst talking with the designers it’s possible we’ve found another issue. We’re investigating now and will report back when we understand when a fix might be applied.


To give more insight into coin. I recently opened two new shops, just before the update. Day 1 for stall 1 (just an empty 4×2 plot at this stage) 320c. Day 2 stall 1, 1680c-now open. Day 3 stall 1, 2980c. Day 4…patch day 212c, day 5 138c, day 6(today) 128c. Stall two-closer to centre of market. Day 1-building phase-680c, day 2-open- 4240c, day 3 4120, day 4 860c, day 5 1100, day 6 128c. Coin seems to be all over, with no pattern. Sale on stall two, which sells gleam, have been fairly consistant, so i dont think its less or more people coming. As for my huge 1100 plot tower which is very frequently visited by curiouse people, was receving a few thousand a day. Now sub 300. Today 0.

Hope this helps the devs