Footfall status after Release 211

I don’t think you’re understanding what I’m saying, but that’s ok. :wink:

I’m in legendville mall and now getting 2000 ish a day. Woot woot. Come check out Psycho planet snatchers. Making more forged gear. Been selling out. Also take the portal to the tower of power and have a look around. You can also get to my other build reapers Respite from there. Also pretty cool if I say so myself. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.

It would be odd if the Legendville mall owner(s) were only getting 1300c. Legendville is a nice place :+1:

FF seems to be getting a little better as the days go by. :wink:

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im still getting around 50% compared to pre guild update. Thats about a 5k less per day than i was getting.

After a few days of around 1.5k footfall I got over 2k yesterday. And it wasn’t a full day (logged in and checked beacon after 15hrs).

I just got a fair bit of footfall from somewhere… I don’t understand this new system because when I test it things look bad but then I go to my beacon and have a couple thousand coin after a few days.