Footfall status after Release 211

Fun fact, one of my other names is Arkahn.

I used to go by Ark. :stuck_out_tongue:

Now I mostly go by Bliss (because people are too lazy to type Blissett, myself included but they donā€™t allow forum display name changes so :man_shrugging:

tfw everyone thinks your name is from Ark: Survival Evolved but youā€™ve gone by Ark since 2008

Iā€™ve gone by Ark since circa 1997, it was my handle in a CircleMUD back in the day. :stuck_out_tongue:

bows out

Ok so I have so much footfall right now that Iā€™m doubting my own memory.

Iā€™m tired. Iā€™m something like 96% certain that I cleared all my coin boxes friday. Iā€™m 100% certain that I cleared them right after Tuesdayā€™s update. All of my other beacons have very little footfall and hereā€™s my main build:

Itā€™s not the amount, exactly, but look thatā€™s about 20% of the total footfall Iā€™ve ever received at this beacon. Iā€™m pretty sure that I started this build in the second week of november.

Since friday.

Ahhh I think the extra 100k prestige and the portal hub I added this week are paying off.

Footfall status: Better than expected!

Yeah, I have a feeling that people who are collecting their footfall daily instead of letting it accumulate may be having a bit of confirmation bias, in the sense that days when itā€™s lower are sticking out more than days when itā€™s higher or the same, so they get noticed more, disregarding the cumulative footfall. With the new 5 day timer itā€™s bound to be a bit more wavy instead of a constant daily amount.

But of course this is just a hunch and warrants more testing.

My main store is definately generating about half of what it used to.

My smaller stores are doing slightly better than before and are actually generating more footfall than my main store.

The problem I see is that there is definately a penalty for building to attract footfall. So larger builds who have invested more get a penalty, yet small builds with little effort can get a bonus. What then, is the incentive to want to put in the effort?

I really think this still needs to be looked at. The math is just not right. And to be honest, kind of frustrating.

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It could be that your main shop is simply not seeing as many customers as the mall outlets. If you have as good of deals in them as the main shop then people have no reason to go any further. :man_shrugging:

Personally, I donā€™t see this as the case. Iā€™ve put a lot of work into my build and itā€™s almost 1.5mil prestige. Iā€™m on the outskirts of the city though and therefore wouldnā€™t get as much traffic as anywhere near the center and the PS hub thatā€™s there.

So, Iā€™m unsure what the reasons are for my increase while others are still at a loss but I donā€™t believe that itā€™s a case of the higher prestige builds being penalised. I think it may be more a case of unique visitors based on the fact that Iā€™d see less repeat visits from the same players as the center of the city would.

No, itā€™s a busy shop. Itā€™s The Witches Brew.

Itā€™s a matter of the more footfall you generate the less you get over all. There is no other way to explain it. I have basically a hub, and Iā€™m getting slightly less than a small mediocre shop in a mall.

Is that good or bad?

A mall that attracts a LOT of peopleā€¦ Perhaps the shop there being mediocre is discouraging people from going further in.

Hey Iā€™m buying from you every day. Can we make some kind of deals on stuff?

Yes, this is correct.

PM me or meet me at my shop!

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Will do when I get on. :+1:

I have a store in legendville mall. Psycho Planet Snatchers just down a bit and across from you. I always go through your place there to get to your Gyosha Mall spot where itā€™s always stocked up. But would rather get a deal or trade if possible. I can make all the stuff but it can be a pain gathering everything.

IMO 1300c footfall for the entire gyosha mall was really bad lol. Itā€™s better now :+1: