Footfall status after Release 211

I also try to help by buying quite a bit of stuff. I can do everything but forge myself. However I won’t do it all because it’s boring and means the coin I have will just stay there and won’t circulate and help the economy grow. The more money people have the more my items sell in my store and every one else’s.

Edit: also my alt is set up for forge. I just don’t want to learn all the stuff(censorship). Too much

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A very regular very large scale might have an impact. But im guessing you got a few to last you and arent planning to do that again for a while.

Or if you are, and you have a giant wall of ancient tech that you stare at giggling, im going to back away slowly. Haha.

… I did hit the storage block mesh limit for most chunks at my base.

(It’s mostly by attempting to have a 6x9 storage block shelf for each color of stone tho, I don’t keep that much stock of regular crafting materials, 6 high 3 wide for each of sedi/igni/meta)

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Lol at the edit. Its ok, you dont need to justify your addiction. Its boundless, giggle away my friend!

giggling maniacally

My crafting materials area is a lot more conservative:

(shop stands are for storing stuff that I had more of than could fit in the respective shelf, was a quick temporary fix that seems to have lasted over six months so far…)


If your storage overflow is lasting 6 months, i feel pretty confident youre not going to need to buy out every shop daily, and we all should be ok with a little more footfall.

Oh I won’t but just knowing I’d be able to (and I’m not even that wealthy comparatively) should be scary enough.

I did buy out a couple shops’ entire stock of forged hammers early this week because I needed to clear a couple plots.

And im sure that person appreciated it (someone bought all mine in bulk this week, twice… thank you if that was you). As a multi store owner whos not a millionaire, i defintiely appreciate it when someone buys out full stands.

I dont jack up prices, and i put all the profits back into request baskets. So im sure the little guy selling to the medium guy appreciated it too!


About 20% of pre-guild update today. half the amount of what i recieved yesterday


I checked the beacons at both of my LED stores, one in Gyosha Mall and one in Blacklight, and footfall seemed to have itself corrected for me. Dividends of 80 plus an odd number added to the 80. So I can see, that 3 people walked by today(240) and one person came back a second time(291).

My prestige is just barely over 10k at both places if that matters.

Edit: one beacon is aligned with Gyosha,the other with cuttlepunks. My house beacon in Blacklight is fine also. That one isn’t aligned with anyone.

Any ETA on footfall fix…? It was still operating at roughly 50% the other day for a mediocre beacon.

Pretty sure it is now working as intended. I’ve been getting a comfortable 2k-3k/day in my shop which is actually up a little from pre-211.

My testing so far indicates that it’s a slight buff as long as you keep getting new visitors, but a bit of a drop for people that visit you every day. We’ll see where it’ll land in the over-time sense, as for the moment people seem to be paying attention only to what their daily footfall earnings are rather than, say, weekly.

If it’s more on some days and less on others due to the repeat-visitor timer, the weekly/monthly earnings should in theory balance it out to about the same over time.

But it appears to be working as intended now.

The test is only two days in, but it’s looking promising so far.

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I’m starting to see an increase also. Now, whether that’s a result of the system now working as intended or my store is getting more traffic than usual? Time will tell. But so far it’s looking a lot better than it was.

I have yet to see the alleged buff side of it then. I’m mostly miffed about the softcore nerf aspect of it concurrent with 160,000c guild buffs being launched.

“Enjoy cool new thing!!1 Good luck paying for it.”

Well, they’re guild buffs. The cost in theory should be spread over lots of players, so I don’t think there would be that much trouble keeping 'em running. Paying for all three max level buffs by yourself would probably sting a little.

Smaller guilds could have some trouble with it but they could just opt to become a faction of a larger guild instead.

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If they feel like the metrics show that it is too difficult to maintain buffs, they’ll buff it down the line. They’re watching the data, but it’ll take time to play out.

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If I have a settlement and I have two or more beacons is only one beacon allowed to receive footfall all of the beacons have over 10k prestige but only one gets footfall even when someone runs all through the settlement.

Having difficulty finding the exact Dev quote for you, but basically you’ll only get 1 footfall payment per visitor per settlement, regardless of the number of beacons you have there (this is per-character). They’ll only trigger footfall in the first beacon of yours that they step into. Your only alternative is to have your beacons owned by different characters.

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Only the first beacon belonging to the same character in each settlement will get footfall.

So if your Character A has 10 beacons in Settlement X, a visitor will only generate footfall in the first beacon they enter, and not in any others.

If the visitor enters a different beacon in Settlement Y that belongs to Character A, that generates footfall there too because its a different settlement.

If the visitor enters a different beacon in Settlement X belonging to Character B, that too generates footfall for that beacon, because its a different character.

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