Forge IngRedY3nts Shop @ Sunset Forge Market!

Have to buy many many many things from you these days because I have to forge hundreds of T1 tools for my T1 Farm Planet :stuck_out_tongue:

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Music to my ears xD - If you need more quantities or would rather hand trade stuff, please feel free to text me :smiley:

Do you do requests? I would need about 10 stacks of a diverse number of ingredients

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Spent a pretty penny there the past few days. Thanks for a great shop.

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Yes I do! Just PM me the ingredients you need :smiley:

Thank youuuuu! Yeah one day I woke up to a raided shop :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :rofl:


Buying several items in request baskets but the highlights are:

  • Hopper Cores @1450c (@1558c hand trade) ~5.5M (increased the price for now because… hopper cores xD)
  • Spicy Beans @41c (@44c hand trade) 1M
  • Bitter beans @131c (@140c hand trade) ~1.5M

Gooood day!

It’s that thread about your fa… yes… your favorite shop! :rofl:

Came to quickly say if you have any surplus or you’re willing to sell some items, please do consider the shop’s request baskets! Will keep refilling different baskets as needs arise :smiley:



Dropped a few million there … quit tempting me with your wares!!

Great shop :slight_smile:

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Well isn’t that great to hear as it has been a dry week or so :joy:. Thanks!

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You are doing a awesome job @RedY3 :clap: with your shop

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Probably been a dry week because I took a small break from forging xD

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Seems like all the forgers in town did :rofl: :sob:

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I’ll make you a deal, if you tell people to buy more of my tools i’ll forge more xD


Sounds like a plan :joy:. Last T6 I bought was from you. Can’t risk buying from forgers who buy bad forging ingredients you know :man_facepalming::rofl:


Are you in need of some inky leaves or petals? I filled your basket with inkies but maybe you’d like more ^^

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Should be good on petals. Will have to check the inky leaves though. Can’t recall and not in game atm. Will refill basket if I need more! Thanks for selling to it :smiley:

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It just came to my attention that my shop (probably the entire planet) isn’t showing up on BUTT. Until it is fixed, please do know everything is still there and alive - the shop, the request baskets, everything :smiley:.


We had that in the past, that it wasn’t updated/showing up on BUTT. Now I have a little assumption where that “bug” comes from… the planet was yesterday at night shortly locked for plot-change purposes. Maybe after a temporarily locking the planet needs some kind of scan again? Or can @Mayumichi see if anything is on going with sovereigns again?

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My understanding is the Sovs are only polled about once a day by BUTT, so if it was locked when the scan happened it may have dropped it but it should get it again today when BUTT does a refresh.