Forge IngRedY3nts Shop @ Sunset Forge Market!


Georgio came running when he heard about prisoners. I always knew those towers had some secrets xD

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Shop stands refilled! More in the making too!

Needed baskets refilled too!

A record refilling today! Refilled very close to 5M but someone is already on it so it’s down to 4.6M xD. Thanks!


Can we actually appreciate some one is actually buying this ■■■■.

Excuse me monsieur boogey man (Credit: Moebius haha), we only use theee finesttt ingredients!



So far I see 3 different frequent customers. @Buugi @Seretti @Balkinus I call out guilty!!!

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Hey i was just trying to make you look good as you buy this kinda poop

What do you mean flint/petals/earthyams are undesired i need them allllll :rofl::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Dat flint has low price. Lets make a deal with 1c a piece and Ill get you some flint haha

Sadly i havent even opened the game this year so… Haha on you. :joy:

That must be some gold-sprayed flint for 1c :rofl:

Thats Buugi flint.
10x the price of real flint as it was once owned by me.


all moldy and dusty for laying around so long, @RedY3 would need to hire a flint cleaning service which costs 1c a piece, so its better to just give him the flint free :+1: :man_shrugging:


Did you not talk about coming back to the game? :thinking:

I don’t see baskets for those, but if you need them, let me know!

Thanks a lot! Appreciate it! Had some for flint and yams and both were fulfilled :smiley:

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Yeap. Its been a struggle To even open the game.


This is your reminder to provide any feedback about the shop be it on the forum, on Discord, or if you catch me in game!

Want a quantity more than what’s in the shop stands? Text me!

Continuously expanding to cover all your forging needs!

(Also, don’t forget to show some love to the request baskets please xD)

Forge IngRedY3nts… where the forging magic begins :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Went back today and bought a bit. I shop almost every day.

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I see you a lot haha. Thank you! Perhaps my number 1 customer :thinking: :star_struck:

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