What’s a fair price to ask for one of these…
I was thinking between 12 - 14k…or too much?
What do you guys/girls think?
Thanks for looking!
What’s a fair price to ask for one of these…
I was thinking between 12 - 14k…or too much?
What do you guys/girls think?
Thanks for looking!
Good price to me.
Most ppl sell those for 10k, I sell them for around 7k (Rank 320). So 10k-7k is best imo.
A rank 370 is more in the 10k region.
Everyone set price differently…
As random forger i havent ever got that combo
. Pretty good… gratz
I think price is ok only thing that is missing is damage…
That said price could be ok but just portion of players are buying it
It has dmg. +320 so likely rank 10 dmg. Dont think it has busy bee on it
Ye my bad! I watched too much numbers… obviously having skills effect on as
I second the 10k.
Your forge result is really impressive, I just wonder if you achieved this without paste stacking ? Can you share your deck?
While not specific to your hammer here, does anyone know a forger who makes T7 (with pot) speed hammers. Looking for 10-15 +40/50 sapphire hammers.
Well there is at least something that you miss
PS. Just trying to be friendly and make a funny, I hope it’s not too soon for you…
Thanks for chiming people! Combustive, it is paste stacking, with a few tweaks here and there, but it allows me to max out any boon on any tool, except lucent of course. I will need to work on lucent stuff with a different stack, me thinks.
Is a lower rank number worse gear than a higher number.
you can only forge one hammer at time with your deck?
i think 12-14 k are really fair price for this forging quality. it takes a lot of time to get 10 hammers like this. you have calculate your costs?
i do it like ( cost + 10-30%) dont forget the tax!
Not necessarily.
It depends on the boons you select, and how you like to use your tools. Forging for added speed can add up to 100 points of rank but if you’re forging for magnet it can only add 40 when maxed.
Woah okay price change incoming! lol. Somehow I seem to have missed what “paste stacking” entails, or I’m doing it by accident, or I’m doing something different… I’ve always added dura on my stuff, but took out a random copper speed shovel for a spin the other day and I must say I’m converted.
@ghandymarshall lemme just jump back on and I’ll check for you regarding t7’s
“Paste Stacking” usually refers to this technique:
This is the only commonly known way to consistently max lucent forges.
omg people forge like that on a regular basis?! ouch, no wonder the forge is feared… yeah that would make for painful regular tools, but I can see the use on lucents… PS with all that extra vig you could benefit from dropping a stab2 paste before adding your gums, gets you +50 stability each gum…
Thanks, I dunno how I missed that but kinda glad i did hehe
I don’t think anyone forges like that on a regular basis or we’ld still be seeing hammers going for 20k plus.
People are quick to decon now, and also more aware of how much forge effect is needed to achieve their goals vs. the cost of “perfecting” the tool.
Only the people who don’t like a challenge
What Nightstar said lol.
The rank is just a guideline and from experience I know that a rank 370 on the boons he chose is a pretty good forge (maybe even max dont remember).
This is indeed maxed damage and maxed durability. However the extra damage is a little unnecessary as it would do the exact same job with 2 levels less of damage. Don’t mean to take anything away from what he has done here, it is a very nice forge and @SilverSunn I would price this at around 11-12k myself but a little higher will still sell I believe as well forged items are in very short supply lately.