Forging has been changed?

:joy: lol ya I stay away from quirks like the plague, learned that long time ago

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I forged Yesterday 20 SS of Tools in 4 hours !!!

IT was mit the Problem to Forge them perfect IT was the Problem to get the boons deconszructed Up to 20 and more Times to Forge 1 Stack … Thats the point in my Side what make s forging anoying tryed to Forge today more and habe Up after 30 try s with mit getting the boons …
Material ist also No Problem but Not getting the boons from that IS placed is ridiculous…

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:raised_hands: exactly. Everyone wants to undercut the next person. Gotta be the lowest price. But then they burn out or realize that they are only cutting there profits. Forging is NOT FUN. It’s gambling. Like a slot machine. The only joy is when you got a bunch of stacks of gear in queue and you can go do something else.
This is my opinion from having a forge store for the last 2 years and how I fund my builds.


Exactly forging is just simulated gambling with out have to use currency.

A game of chance is not skill, if in willing to dump enough money into ingredients i can just keep rerolling until i get the desired result


I don’t want to derail the discussion but I am puzzled by how low some people can go on absolutely painful items to craft/collect just to have the cheapest price. Sometimes makes me want to quit the economy… but I enjoy running a shop even if stuff don’t sell all the time so aah let it be :laughing:


yep, there’s no need to undercut though.
I’m sure most people don’t mind to buy it a little higher in price knowing there’s always stock.
than to buy 10 cheap ones for example and only finding out its always empty.
the time you spend for finding that hammer you like so much could have been time you get yourself down the mines or do other things.
also selling those hammers with some profit also motivates a person to keep forging and you will accept the RNG a bit more and you have more freedom to spend a little more on ingredients to get it just right


Or until you run out of sanity :joy:

rolls 7 magnets in a row targeting AoE

“I’m frigging telling you, don’t give me that magnet ■■■■, give me the other thing!”

gets a glow boon with 3 special gums as the ‘other thing’


I’m telling the truth that I’ve met the same :poop: SEVERAL times, sometimes even when I put in 3-4 gums, and dang there comes a random boon :crazy_face:. And as I can remember there was one time it took me over 70 decons resin to forge a bow lol, and it usually takes 40 mins with a TON of decons resin to forge a batch of Clear weather totem.
Tbh it makes me feel better when seeing so many forgers are suffering as well (oh am I too evil :p)

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Keep forging for me…lol. lucky I don’t care about the price…I rather pay extra than me swearing at the screen. Forgers do deserve better prices.


Oh ikr? And then you STILL feel kind of bad charging so much for the clear weather totems… but holy ■■■■ they are a literal pain to make!

But, we do it for the people! <3


Bro this is legit why I even made this post. I deconned over 20 times… FINALLY GET AOE, THEN DAMAGE… ok this is it, surely 3 gums will guarantee busy bee… Nope, rickrolled with the glow boon. I almost took a bomb to that forge, not even gonna lie :rofl:


If you want to see a good list, with great descriptions, head to Dub-T shop on Lutrion, owned by @wakeNbake. He has the BEST signage setup to explain them all!

After going through these comments, I feel the frustration. I also made an attempt on forging difficult tools and It drove me mad. I wouldn’t be playing boundless if I had to forge the tools myself.

I’d like to thank all forgers and appreciate his/her effort for constantly providing the forged tools for boundless players.

I’d thank specifically EZPZ store (Maryx), wakenbake (Lutrion) and Econo (Lasaina) for being the suppliers of mostly all my tools for the last 12 months.


The law of large numbers , in probability and statistics, states that as a sample size grows, its mean gets closer to the average of the whole population. In the 16th century, mathematician Gerolama Cardano recognized the Law of Large Numbers but never proved it.Nov 16, 2020

How does this apply

I think you meant the clustering illusion? @Trundamere

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Too many educational details for my brainbox to handle.

It applys here because if someone is just looking at a recent string of bad luck in RNG, then they are looking at a small sample size, and can lead them to believe that Forging has been changed, as the Title of this topic suggests.

However, the Law of large numbers will tell you that if you look at the Full picture, By looking a large sample size or getting a larger sample size if you don’t already have a decently large sample size, then you will understand that it is just a string of bad luck or what some people call variance.

I am not familiar with this term at this time. I think that might be refering to something else. but I am not sure at this time.


@james Can we AT LEAST get rid of Critical boon on a tool??? I get it on a weapon, but NO ONE wants that on a tool man, plz give us forgers something!

Still love this game, and forging but HOLY LOVING POOP this is horrible!


True words @NickkThatsGood

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That’s like the jumpy one on a hookshot lol. Pray you’re not all the way reeled in when it decides to jump.

Also I keep seeing y’all say SS of hammers(tools) and never understood doing 9 at a time. I always seem to have rngesus working against me harder on a ss than I do with 4 or 5 at a time.

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I will have to go check that out, thanks @NickkThatsGood

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Haha true they are hard to forge to a degree we were willing to give out them as gifts rather than sell them lol
White and I probably gave out over a hundred clear candy totems during Christmas, but yea we were happy and we did it for the people :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: