Forging process - speed it up! Now without ESC!

I’ve seen multiple hints about how to speed up the forging process, something that feels more necessary for those who like to conserve materials by forging a single item at a time rather than risking a stack of items. Having checked out it was okay to do so, here are some tweaks that greatly reduce animation time so the forging process can be shortened for those that have done it a few hundred times already.

Disclaimer: I like the forge animations but they are lengthy and after a while you just want results. Until there is an option to shorten them in settings, here is a way to do so yourself.

  1. Find your Boundless archetypes folder. On a common install it would be here:


  1. Find and make a backup copy of forgesettings.json

  2. Open your original forgesettings.json and replace the text inside with this:


"timeMovingMarker": 0.1,
"numMarkerBounces": 6,
"timeWaitAfterMoveMarker": 0.1,

"addTraitDuration": 0.1,
"removeTraitDuration": 0.1,
"changeTraitDuration": 0.1,
"addStatusDuration": 0.1,
"removeStatusDuration": 0.1,
"waitAfterUpdatingStatus": 0.1,

"idleCogAngularSpeed": 10.0,
"startCogRotationDuration": 0.2,
"stopCogRotationDuration": 0.2,
"maxCogAngularSpeed": 200.0,
"timeStartAnimEssences": 0.0,
"essenceAnimDuration": 0.25,
"timeBetweenEssences": 0.1,
"minTimeConsumingIngredient": 0.1,
"timeWaitAfterConsumingIngredient": 0.1,

"updatePoolPointsSpeed": 3200.0,
"updateTraitPointsSpeed": 3200.0,
"updateVigourValueSpeed": 3200.0,
"updateStabilityValueSpeed": 3200.0,
"updateStatusValueSpeed": 3200.0,

"playConsumeFxPctCogAnimTime": 0.1,
"playRemoveFxPctCogAnimTime": 0.1,

"affectedStatusPulseTime": 0.1,
"affectedStatusNumPulses": 2,
"affectedStatusPulseColor": [0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0],

"defaultMomentumTextColor": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"pulseMomentumTextColor": [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],

"momentumCogRotationSpeedPct": 1.4,
"momentumCogFillDuration": 0.1,
"momentumCogHoldDuration": 0.1,
"momentumCogIdleDuration": 0.1,

"momentumCogDiscardSpeed": 6.0,
"momentumCogEmptySpeed": 6.0


Include everything between the hashes but not the hashes. Apologies for the odd formatting but the json format seems to clash with the forum auto-format.


This speeds up the animations considerably. Feel free to play further but these seemed to be tolerable limits before things started to break.

Beware messing with numMarkerBounces because it will mean the boon slider marker no longer actually lands where the roll landed (e.g. it may look like you got a hit and some boon points but actually you didn’t, or vice-versa).

Enjoy! No more having to hit ESC each time.

P.S. It’s easier to accidentally make a wrong decision at this speed, use at your own risk :slight_smile:


I would like a dev to look at this, and let us know if we are allowed to tamper with this kind of file with out risking being banned.

I asked in a PM if I could share and @james said it was okay. :slight_smile:


Oh thank god. Lol those animations were fun exactly once. I’ve been using ESC, but this is a godsend. THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU


Who is Jason, and why does he have any say over what my forge settings are?


Nicely done!

Now we need to get the devs to add an option in the settings screen for this so people like me that are on PS4 can have their animations shortened as well!

While we’re at it, they really should talk to Sony about allowing access to the Test server too, it’s rather frustrating I can’t check out the Forge changes, sigh. Or, once it goes live use the Test servers to play around witht the forge to see what gets good results. I feel a tad hampered by not having access to these things!

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You just blew my mind in seventeen different ways, and make my week so much better. I love you, Schasm. We must now be wed.

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Haha glad it’s of use. Yes agreed it would be useful to be able to skip animations or choose fast/slow in Settings. Especially for PS4 players.

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@pofs idk who is Jason??? beats me… i know a james around here… however jason is a ghost in these parts of the woods.

Im pretty sure it was a joke about the file format, .JSON (pronounced Jason)


i hear hes a friend of Yamel


Does this still work? Since the nerf patch mine does not.

It was a buff patch :wink:

Mine still works, mostly, but the above 100% efficiency change has some new anims added for the extra points I get per boon compound so the whole cycle is a bit slower. I will get round to tweaking again & updating the thread but I haven’t forged on Live since the update as I’ve been busy with other tasks. I’ll post again here shortly.

im interested to get an updated version of this =D

Sorry still not done any forging. However I played a bit so I could update the thread and find this is working for me:


"timeMovingMarker": 0.1,
"numMarkerBounces": 6,
"timeWaitAfterMoveMarker": 0.1,

"addTraitDuration": 0.1,
"removeTraitDuration": 0.1,
"changeTraitDuration": 0.1,
"addStatusDuration": 0.1,
"removeStatusDuration": 0.1,
"waitAfterUpdatingStatus": 0.1,

"idleCogAngularSpeed": 10.0,
"startCogRotationDuration": 0.2,
"stopCogRotationDuration": 0.2,
"maxCogAngularSpeed": 200.0,
"timeStartAnimEssences": 0.0,
"essenceAnimDuration": 0.25,
"timeBetweenEssences": 0.1,
"minTimeConsumingIngredient": 0.1,
"timeWaitAfterConsumingIngredient": 0.1,

"updatePoolPointsSpeed": 3200.0,
"updateTraitPointsSpeed": 3200.0,
"updateVigourValueSpeed": 3200.0,
"updateStabilityValueSpeed": 3200.0,
"updateStatusValueSpeed": 3200.0,

"playConsumeFxPctCogAnimTime": 0.1,
"playRemoveFxPctCogAnimTime": 0.1,

"affectedStatusPulseTime": 0.1,
"affectedStatusNumPulses": 2,
"affectedStatusPulseColor": [0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0],

"defaultMomentumTextColor": [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
"pulseMomentumTextColor": [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0],

"momentumCogRotationSpeedPct": 1.4,
"momentumCogFillDuration": 0.1,
"momentumCogHoldDuration": 0.1,
"momentumCogIdleDuration": 0.1,

"momentumCogDiscardSpeed": 6.0,
"momentumCogEmptySpeed": 6.0


For any new readers, please see details in first post about backing up. Copy everything between the lines of hashes.

Some of the settings now tweaked to even lower speeds and still seem to work fine.

Edit: worked out the inner cog animation setting - I’d changed a speed the wrong way. Now fixed in edited settings file above! Enjoy fast forging again.