Forum and Punishment

-50 dkp for asking that!


Yeah this place has been silly lately. I figure thereā€™s some malicious work at play but who knows. Tiresome.

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This topic is temporarily closed for 10 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 10 hours.

This might be one of the most retarded ass mechanics Iā€™ve seen in a forum. Post griefing, and you donā€™t even need to make bots to do it for you.

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This mechanic that allows people to silence each other on forums is just garbage.

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Exactly what i was saying.

Adding a like to your post didnā€™t emphasize it enough for me. Felt like I had to restate it.

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Itā€™s an automated system thatā€™s supposed to help moderators. When a post gets temp closed like this, it flags it for a human mod to review. If it is not answered, it is opened again unless a smaller threshold of fresh flags is submitted. This system has been flooding the inboxes of the few devs that actually moderate the system, hence the feedback loop. It has recently been modified to 10 hours rather than 4 so that maybe (Iā€™m assumimg) the mods have a chance to actually review and arbitrate posts.

It really looks as if itā€™s only a few community members in general that attempt to trigger or get triggered on when their attempts fail, that are part of the problem. I could be wrong, I donā€™t have access to the data explicitly showing the offenders. If the speculation was true, excising those members from the community would go a long way in and of itself. They arenā€™t here to provide constructive criticism or get a long with others. They, in many posts, have claimed they just want to troll.

That sort of thing shouldnā€™t be allowed to fester at all. Especially if the game and forums are being aimed at being child friendly.


I really donā€™t care about the mechanics of how the software is flagging. But I think the big takeway is that there is a vocal minority that are slowly changing the narrative of your game and community. And itā€™s not for the best. While most people donā€™t participate in online forums for any game, online forums do help shape the image of the game. And if all people see is constant negativity, then they wonā€™t think highly of the game.

If you guys simply sit back and donā€™t do anything, your going to let a vocal minority shape the game in a negative way. Especially so given you have a much smaller playerbase than other games.

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I am hoping that they will crack down more on the individuals that resort to name calling (your stupid, an idiot, lazy, etc.) or labeling groups they do not agree with using disparaging terms. All that does is create tension and leads to people feeling that they need to respond in kind. This does make the forums more negative than they need to be. This may not be specifically what you meant, but it is one area I can be specific about.

As far as this allowing those people to shape the game, it does if it makes other players not participate in the forums. The developers do not get feedback from as many people and they seem to want to use the forums as a way to get feedback on proposed changes.


If people canā€™t communicate in a somewhat respectable way they need to be put in the corner in a time out. You can be critical of people without resorting to derogatory terms or communication methods. Simple as that. Expect people to act accordingly even if they disagree completely and hold them accountable to it. If they cannot, then time them outā€¦