Founder totem gives special aura glow when it is held by a founder ;)

I don’t see a single thing that Cubits and The Exchange offer that somehow infringe on your backer level bonuses


Each next level perk lists all items from previous level and adds new one at the end of the list.

I dont know where it says all backer perks will be purchasable after release. Did I miss something?


one way around this (possibly) is that we don’t bring the perks/founder items into the player based economy at all… but they have a fixed, coded price…


  • founders totem (for non founder) to buy form a perk store or something = 20,000 coin
  • Tool of x = 15 > 100,000
  • weapon of x = 20 > 200,000
  • wearable of x = 5 >. 200,000

etc? that way everyone can have the best of both (the devs don’t have to worry about locking the perk code to an individual because that is impossible at this point - the founders of xxx backing pack don’t get uptight because its done in a fair manner… and those who feel they are missing out only have to save enough cubits/coin to afford them)

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A plot purchase at $1 dollar per plot will break most of the backer tiers. Example - Master level @ $1000 for 600 plots. Normal character has 300 plots and they spend $300 to buy plots and they now have the exact same amount of plots that a Master does for considerable less. It is worse at Oortian. I didn’t do the math on the lower tiers.

Obviously we don’t know how much plots will cost but this is just one example. Additional characters is another example…

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No, it won’t. The backer perks are PERCENT bonuses. Every 1 dollar per 1 plot for average person means you get 2 plots. You’ve lost nothing.

Cubits and The Exchange haven’t broken promises.


I believe @Xaldafax 's point is when we bought our packages there was not way to get plots other than leveling. Cubits and the exchange did not exist. The backer packages offered a way for certain levels to get additional plots at each level so it did offer an advantage. With the new plan, if a plot costs $1 USD in the exchange then a master will have 600 plots at level 50 and paid $1000 for it. if some one bought the basic game $40 leveled to 50 and then spent $500 for plots they would have 800 plots for $540. The dollars spent in the exchange may be worth more plots than the dollars spent on a backer package. That is his point.


Good break down. I’d only like to add the longer we play the more our founder packages become an advantage and at a certain point they are more cost-effective. But in the early game @Xaldafax is 100% correct. 6-12 months from now will be another story. I’m finding its much faster to level while mining now than it was before the patch, even without the forge. And with the forge our planets might be swiss cheese.

edit for small words

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It’s all speculation atm anyway as we don’t know prices.

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i think the tool is to powerfull with forge to not have a “after release player” version
two versions one for us one for them our just one that glows our looks diferent exclusive for us

but i dont want stuff that can be abused as in saying ow those founders got better stuff
so the put in less efort etc

did not look at post for 2hours 48replys my new record hahaha keep it up i read it all and hope devs to :smile:


Please actually read what I wrote… The percent bonus is on what I gain per level and has nothing to do with what other people purchase. So they can clearly out buy people if the cost is low. It is simple math… At level 50 a Master has 600 plots and a Ooortian 900. There is nothing more than that… obviously after 50 we gain plots but that still means nothing when people can buy them and catch up especially if the plot cost is low.

In any event who knows how this plays out but the Devs need to think about their backers and keep things balanced because they did make it sound like our perks were more perm and not something to go poof quickly…

You already have a huge advantage. You get 200% more Beacon Claims.

They didn’t get any of the other 5K bonuses you got, so, it’s not like the plot bonus was the only thing you got.

If the Oortian Pack was solely giving plot bonuses, then yes, you’d have a point, but you got more than that, so it’s difficult to put an individual value on those things. If they suddenly let anyone design public worlds and give 200% bonuses to everyone, then yeah you’ve got a point, but allowing people to buy plots? I think you’re exaggerating a little in terms of how much your backer-status has been infringed on.

how many does a pioneer get :slight_smile: at 50

In response though to your statement… the “exclusive items” have shown that they are not really exclusive. We can make them but anyone in game can have them and each “tier” has the same item. This may change but right now it appears it will not. The planet item has to be built and who knows if that ever happens based on the planets that are available to deploy, etc. So really the perks aren’t that great when you take into consideration the Exchange and Gleam Club stuff…

I won’t argue with you because I think you miss the point. We have different views and I’m not interested in pushing the conversation.

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Only YOU can craft the exclusive items, so, that’s still exclusive.

Only YOU get 200% bonus plots.

Only YOU get to develop a world, live in the developers world, Monthly Team Skype, etc.

When they start adding this stuff to “The Exchange” you might have a point, but all they’ve done is give people a way to buy plots. They have to fund ongoing development somehow.

I get you think you’re getting less now, but you were never promised any of the things you say you were promised, nowhere in the backer info did it say “We won’t let people buy plots” and it clearly says you can “CRAFT” the exclusive item, it never says only you can hold it.

If you’re this upset and slighted by what they’ve done, make a thread about it, be public, and keep talking about it so the Developers see and understand your frustration. Don’t just walk away with the convenient “Oh he just doesn’t get it” excuse. If this is something worth fighting for, convince me, and everyone else, and you might actually get what you want.

You’ll see if you look at my previous posts I’m perfectly open to being proved wrong, especially when I learned about all the possible block combinations this game has, and that digging and mining were getting upgrades in the Trello.

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Looks like 450. If you use all cubits to buy plots of course.

Aa for the purchasable plots. If you buy those they land in game as coffers I think. And those are subject to backer bonus, I think. So, maybe a backer buying plot pack gets the bonus on them too?

Worth checking.

Yes that might be an option but still doesn’t solve the issue with people catching up… and many people already invested enough real money into the game and shouldn’t have to pay more…

thats enough for mez :smile: even if i deduct the nice hat im getting with my qbits :smile:

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Like that is uncalled for. Its apples and oranges to the point being made. And Yes we are quite aware of their functionality. We are quite aware of it’s cosmeticness. Just asking for it not to be cheapened by selling them. As I will be a gleam member, I own 3 accounts now, and Wayfarer on one of them. I hope that’s counts towards the devs being able to have more than 50 ppl in a mmo.


From what has been said any plots purchased on the exchange are subject to the backer bonuses. So if you earn or buy cubits the affect is the same. I guess this really makes sense when I think about it, how would they know the difference between earned and purchased cubits? I had not thought about it until writing this.

No plots packages for real money so.