Premium currency only for cosmetics. And make them purchaseable eventually with cubits. This would get WS money and encourage them to add more cosmetics, which to many is a selling point for a game. I can’t think of many successful games without lots of cosmetics.
In my opinion, I think that this game would not be worth it as F2P because it should turn to a slightly more “aggressive” business model and that in the end would end up destroying the essence and freedom that it currently offers you.
But on the other hand, I think this game should be reduced on PS4, because it is expensive and it is a little known game and it does not give users the opportunity to try it. Then people avoid it.
Thats why I said that instead of adding more currencies they could just bump the prices.
Also not everyone can farm tons of cubits in a couple minutes, Im sure a lot of people have paid real money for plots which you could say are pretty easy to get.
A studio can’t survive on a game that is solely F2P. If they went that route, they’d have to add a full MTX store and charge for access to extra planets, maybe access to Exos, cosmetics, etc. Players here are vehemently against that.
Alot of MMORPGs go this route and have been very successful with it though.
Side note…personally not a fan of Ylands. Got bored of it in about a week and one of the top ppl sent me DMs…just no. lol
I say dont go FTP but lower the cost on the front end and develop the in game store for cosmetic items. Gamers love to “pay when they want to” multiple times with a store. I have noticed in the threads that people like to have a different look and items than the next citizen.
They did this already on steam and the steam average player count did not permanently increase. We did end up with alot of builds where players had to wait for the beacons to expire.
If they added a ton of cosmetics & rental planets are a huge success, I could see them making the public MMO space F2P or drop the price a bit.
I’m sure they’ve analyzed the market/data and have a business plan that they are probably following. Taking biz advice from players…probably no bueno lol.
My concern here is lets say you get 500 FTP players per region plus the existing players that want to open malls and hubs so they can make coin and get footfall. The planets can only support 100 at a time so you have to expand the FTP planets. Now there are 5 + planets that the rest of us are paying for. So more players join and decide not to pay but just to plot and level on the FTP planets. These become more and more crowded and again, the developers have to add more FTP planets. So again we are paying for more planets just to support players that do not want to pay for a game. No thank you. If players are too cheap to not want to buy a game, are they really going to buy cubits or gleam club?