Friendly PSA to the player who did this... it ain't gonna work the way you think it will

I see you’ve marked the dug out gleam gravesites, world regen will get rid of your makers… but thanks for the free gleam :joy:


Well, the markers stayed and the gleam in the graves did regen.

I was testing regen of broken blocks vs placed blocks, and the effect of foot traffic on regen (since we also smoothed out the terrain there quite a bit).

It was an interesting test, …unless people mine the markers and we don’t get to see how long they stay before more regens.


and thanks for the snarky reply :stuck_out_tongue:


LOL, so it was YOU! You defiled my beautiful land :sob: loljk


heheheh. We didnt defile, we pruned the hedges and mowed the lawn and did a little landscaping, thats all :wink:


isn’t it easier to remember what kind of stone the gleam spawns under? :wink:

and shame on you @SolFall :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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:sob:no shame! it was not meant to be snarky. i was legit letting a potential new player to know it would not work if they doing it to mark the spots. all these new players gotta learn these things yo! :smirk:


ya done messed up mah lawn… where my shotgun!?


heh classic old guy “GET OFF MAH LAWN!” :wink: :+1:


its easy to remember yeah, but its dark there at night, and its so much easier with a glowing marker :wink:

was honestly just curious if the footfall would cause them to stay after regen, and it seems like it did.

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'cept it kind of did work. requires more testing :wink:

1 Like a good Video on world regen


ah, so based on the vid that Jeff linked, looks like it regens from bottom up. so it’s super unreliable

If anyone gets the gleam regen from the marked graves, could you post a note here? Curious to see if this works reliably.

Though, it’s going to take a while for regen again ( I just cleared the area again around 9am EST).

Thanks! :+1: :smiley:

Should rename post to, ‘Snarky PSA to the player who did this… good job on using the scientific method to learn about the game’.


Probably should’ve used a non-gleam block to mark it, that way people wouldn’t nick’em :smiley:

I suggest mud. :grin:


oreally? that’s interesting… maybe i should take a closer look at the difference between regen of natural blocks vs removal of placed blocks… :thinking: lol testing of such things takes sooo much time though ><

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Yeah oddly, a lot of the terrain changes (smoothing/chiseling) stayed also, but the other tombstones regenerated (I had removed all the non-base Rock tombstones).

I have a feeling the regular-ish foot traffic is having some effect on what regens and what doesn’t, as well as removed vs. placed.

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Yeah, probably, though as of the last time I checked, nobody had. Such a fine, upstanding community :wink:

And, wow does it make it easier finding the graves you want in the middle of the Munteen night, heheh.

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