Friendly PSA to the player who did this... it ain't gonna work the way you think it will

Nevermind. Rename thread again, ‘Snarky, unfriendly, and self-congratulatory PSA leads to SolFall making an incorrect assumption and helping many other players learn from a newer player!’

Well done, sir.

I tried last week. :rofl:

You can walk safely around the sanctum. You can’t fall of the edges of the bottom platform (Invisible Walls).
You just can’t get back up. Have to relog / switch characters to respawn in the sanctum.

A) no B) no C) no :yum:
No dying in the sanctum.

Well, …drats, foiled again! :wink: But hey, B was kinda-sorta-partially-correct… right?? :crossed_fingers: :man_shrugging: :wink:

Nothing, there’s an invisible barrier at the edge.

Yes, incorrect assumption, it’s not like I did this with malicious intent and called the player a noob idiot for not knowing how regen works.
Legit was a friendly psa for something a new player may not know about. No need for your passive aggressive bullshit. literally no one but you has an issue with this. :roll_eyes:
Knowing i made the mistake, I took part to aid in the efforts of the experiment instead deleting the post.
What have you done instead of being snarky here yourself?

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… "can’t we all just get along?" :wink: :smiley: :+1::ok_hand:


OK, latest update:

8 graves respawned with gleam…

…only two still had the marker on the headstone.

So, a couple of possibilities:

  1. some/more/alot of the marked graves DID respawn blue gleam, and somebody mined it cause its easy to find with a gleam marker…
  2. Someone removed a lot of the cream gleam on the headstones, whether the grave respawned and they mined it too, or it didnt respawn and they just took the cream gleam marker.
  3. Somone planted the blue gleam and removed the headstone to mess with us.
  4. Its a funky coincidence, based on how regen works (see @james’s post) and odd timing when checking on them.

#1 is possible., #2 I kind of doubt with @SolFall’s sign up. #3 I highly doubt with this community.

…so I’m going to go with #4, and just let it go at least for now. Possibly test some more in a more remote less traveled area at a later date. :man_shrugging:

Thanks for putting up with me in my little science :man_scientist::face_with_monocle: project everyone :slight_smile: :smiley:


Lemmie know if u wanna do any other experiments, I’d be glad to help out. :v:

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Thanks much, I appreciate it.:+1: Knowing me, I probably will at some point. :wink: :face_with_monocle::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@SolFall Allow me to ask you a few questions -

Have you returned his blue gleam? If not, why not? If so, how long did it take you?

I read the title of your post, thinking it truly would be a ‘friendly PSA’, and then saw you finish with, ‘but thanks for the free gleam’… and then a teary-eyed laugh. Do you truly think that’s pretty friendly?

You didn’t find out who it was and return the gleam. You came here, laughed at taking someone’s stuff, and then said you weren’t being snarky. Boggle. If taking someone’s stuff and laughing at them isn’t snarky then I’m pretty lost as to how to come up with a better example.

I pride myself on being a friendly player, and have consistently been drawn back to this game and community because of the generous and friendly character of most players. Your post is the very first post I’ve seen in this forum where someone publicly said, ‘Hey… the game doesn’t work how you think it does, and thank you for the free things that aren’t mine.’ I made similar mistakes early in the game, and had people actively search me out to return items and try to teach me a bit about the game, and even offer me more free stuff. I literally had to ask some of them to stop offering me stuff. I’ve never had to ask for things back, nor have I ever seen someone publicly brag about seeming to know more about the game and then thank them for their ignorance because it let them take stuff from someone else.

So… to answer your question… you bet I’m going to call someone out when it’s the first time I’ve seen this happen in a game with such a friendly community. Maybe I read a bit between the lines… but from where I’m sitting what you did absolutely came off as being snarky and downright unfriendly, and you then denied it. If you made up later, great… but it started off with what seemed to read as, ‘You screwed up and thanks for the free stuff’… which is pretty much nothing like a ‘friendly PSA’.

TLDR - If you truly intended to be friendly you would have come here and said, ‘Hey, to the player who tried to mark the graves… just a head’s up… regen doesn’t work that way. I have your blue gleam if you’d like it back.’ But you didn’t. You patted yourself on the back for having taken blue gleam from a player trying to run an experiment.

Ok… so not sure I want to jump in on this, but as I’m kind of part of it, I suppose I should.

Just to start, @SolFall did return the blue gleam.

…as to the rest…

I did originally take the post as snarky and rude. Hence my comment “thanks for the snarky reply”.

I was also a bit put-off by the whole “hey ima take your stuff”, :fu: and then an “I’m kidding”, …“but seriously, I am going to take it”…

However, having said that, Sol has been nothing but nice since, even in the few in-game meetings we’ve had.

So… I dunno, I’d personally rather let bygones be bygones, whether it was just a misunderstanding, or whatever.

Though I do also very much understand you wanting to call out people for their behaviour. This game has probably the single best community of any online game I have ever been a part of (and I was around for BBS games, lol), and I’d like to keep it that way too.


well, my intention was not to come off as snarky, hence why i was defensive about it, and yes, the gleam was returned.

If you had taken the time to actually read through the thread, you could have read the tone of the conversation, but clearly, you did not.

you can ask any player who I have come across ingame, i have been nothing but helpful to them.

You say you pride yourself in being a friendly player yet you respond to a post that you read as being unfriendly by being unfriendly yourself. :thinking: you made your point clear with the first reply, what was the purpose of the second one?

I have no problem being called out if i am being unfriendly to someone, it is never my intention to do so.

So sorry my language was not clear to you.

I will say it again, I did not intend to have this post come off as snarky or unfriendly.
say it with me now, IT WAS NOT MY INTENTION :roll_eyes:


yepp, and i am sorry it came off as snarky and rude, i can see how people can read it like that. totally not how i wanted it to go down :joy:


@SolFall That’s what I’ve been waiting to read in the thread. An apology.