"FULLY" AFK Block XP Farm

I did a brief search, for the first pic that ever just shocked me about this game. The table/pie thing was open, and somewhat competitive, gameplay for a while. The highest actual proof I ever saw was 11m XP in one shot.

The combination was deemed (later) by the devs to pass “emergent gameplay” into “exploit” territory. However, there was no need for any AFK play. In fact you sort of needed to log out. Or at least stay away from your base for a while.

Also some characters, especially some early guild crafters and the like have done pretty well with legitimate crafting gains. Imagine being the guy that extracts all the oort for, say, the ultima network. I don’t do any of it but I believe the people doing it for TNT take turns.

Footfall was pretty different at first too.

To call it a witch hunt is a little much. I was simply stating that I’d question anyone’s true level, prestige or plot count and if they were gained while AFK or not.

I do not mean to take away from anyone that gained that XP in any way because the game mechanics have allowed it up to this point and the previous owners did nothing to prevent it.

I have been AFK in game (due to work meetings etc.) so my hours in game are inflated too so I question how many true hours people have including myself. Witch hunt? Nah … just stating these stats are questionable.

This comment kinda struck a nerve. I had to grind for everything. My level, my prestige and my hours played are a direct result. Not a single level I’ve gain is afk. But guess what I’m in the top 10. I love the player stats. There should be more to be fair.

Also some people have early backer perks. The highest being +300% plots. Now I’d love to have that. But those perks don’t exist anymore for purchase. So you could easily say that’s an unfair advantage.

Btw sell me your iron.


As it should I too have grinded my ass off. I have nearly 7.2k hours in 2 years of playing as I said but some of that is AFK. I have spent the last 4 months creating my color storage and that alone I spent a good 15-20mil coins on just to do it and it’s still not done.

I say it should strike a nerve though because there are others doing things AFK that make your hard work questionable. Not that you did anything wrong or were AFK farming/grinding, but to what @Nightstar was trying to say the people that do things like that affect everyone else in various ways, intentional or not.

As I stated an AFK farm with trampolines and ice could cause the removal of trampolines or ice. It could cause the removal of sliding or the removal of ice being slippery (ok this I’m ok with having fallen off of DK Mall and its icy areas), but point is it is cause and effect.

I didn’t see Crafting Tables get removed after all the mass crafting that happened…


This isn’t much, compared to some of the table stuff. The 35 hours is just waiting on machines. Roughly 4 hours of work to pull 43 levels.

That’s a hefty thread, lots of numbers there, and lots of pics of the build to support it. I did it to push forward a complaint about a coin problem. The coin got rebalanced, the XP is still there.

You get sore fingers, though :sweat: Even with auto-clicking.

IMO without the afk element something like what @QuimbyBoundless has built here will actually slow down some people in terms of both coin, and materials to build in all those plots.

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I think Catfud was quite pleased with my investment to his shop.

On another note, since I may have to tear my block farm down, anyone in need of coils? :rofl:

On another note, table mass crafting rock is still faster than this block exp farm, just much more click intensive (until you run out of blocks). :thinking:

Point is … that they could have been removed. Or tweaked or changed or any number of consequences. I’m a younger player (in terms of how long Ive been playing) … but let’s use WoW as an example of cause and effect.

Problem: PVP is unbalanced in WoW.
Cause: Skills are unbalanced in PVP.
Effect: PVP is fixed. But PVE is now completely altered for zero reason caused by PVE.

It’s a little bit of a bad comparison, but still similar in premise.

Look at a personal level I applaud anyone for taking advantage of the mechanics the game gives you and using that to make incredible ideas much like the loot farm, mob farm and this XP farm and really any invention I think they are borderline genius.

Sadly though, it is not going to be viewed as incredible by everyone. At the end of the day, what you do in game doesn’t really affect me in the least, but it does create an imbalance and at times could cause others to be scrutinized or affected in some way.

Point proven the question of plot count, cubits earned, XP gained, and hours spent in game.

Not to mention something in game could be changed to prevent this behavior which in turn could affect the community as a whole… which does make me frown upon it at that point.

Speaking of crafting for XP - I made some jokes about this the other day but I also gave @catfud most of my coins.

With all my builds down - it’s quite a pile.


I am totally up for changing how exp is gained for matter like these, it definitely doesn’t have to change the core mechanic of how certain blocks behave. For example, this farm would be rendered useless if they fix the so called “xp protection system” that should prevent players from gaining exp from placing a block in the same location. One cannot argue that “this takes away from builders” because neither should they get additional experience from replacing that block. Simple as that.

One issue here now is that this method still exists in the game and can easily be discovered by someone else (and probably someone has done that and has a massive xp farm on a locked sovereign world). It needs to be fixed or someone else will use it.

@Nightstar Daamn, not bad! But I was joking, I will make a massive workshop soon enough and now I can have a crafting station for each individual furniture. :smiley:


Ive inherited a very large number of items. I too have a mass amount of coils and machines that just sit and wait for me to build a large workshop.

Specifically they actually got nerfed hard in the area of crafting rock to stone, which was the main table mechanic being exploited. Cheapest / most common block in the game and a key activity for new players. There were probably millions of words about it, and IMO this outcome was even worse.

The worst part of it all being that the actual exploited mechanic was unlimited XP per teaching pie.

To this day I believe that a good part of the reason the tables got nerfed so hard (half XP and no reduction in time for this particular process) was the amount of abuse James took over the way the announcement was made.

This is part of why I still had questions about the rate of XP earned even with the other issue settled. If you’re willing to work for the XP, this setup doesn’t sound like a balance issue, to me. It actually has a hard cost, unlike some of the other methods available.

You can literally just place and reclaim the blocks. It’s faster, and cheaper.


No, and I knew what you were getting at it, it just amused me as I had forgotten I was even in game but my poor character was left standing in the middle of Gigg portal hub area ignoring people who waved and looking confused lol.

Thank you kindly :+1:
did spend most of your lovely coins with others, so I could refill all my stands


This is the way


if the timers don’t change, adding a 30 mass batch pane to the UI makes perfect sense to me, and it would rock to have that calculated. you save mere seconds only and the stop at 30 is the same either way, but you do save wear & tear on hands & pointer.


i have a mass craft clicker just for this reason!
i have a muscle disease and it literally hurts to hit a button 30 times, especially when i have 200+ machines to fill.


Sorry for necro but still no confirmation whether it’s the machine that is not allowed or whether it’s the AFK aspect. :frowning:


That’s me waiting all week for an answer!

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