"FULLY" AFK Block XP Farm

It doesn’t replace anything at all. Doesn’t replace hunting it never will. You get far more loot from running meteors, thats a fact. It’s just another option for people especially those that can’t do hunts for various reasons such as health or they don’t like to hunts. It’s only run once a week. It takes a bit of prep to set it up in order to run and also after it ends
I don’t think you understand how the loot farm works.

In a game such as this people are always going to find ways to push the boundaries of games. Minecraft has it. They have mob grinders.

I think you are taking a statement made by the community manager and running at everyone elses builds in the game. The question was asked on your post and they returned with an answer.

If the loot farm isn’t how it’s intended I’m sure the devs will happily approach @SWProzee1 and let him know. But they’d have to see how it’s run

I’d love to see an AFK block farm. Setup a private instance for the player to mindlessly AFK grind all the blocks. No drops allowed, only XP. Seems like a good compromise :slight_smile:

Minecraft does not have an economy nor a plot system that allows you to buy plots or gain cubits. It’s a bad comparison.

A better one might be gold farmers in MMORPGs.

TBF It wasn’t @QuimbyBoundless that brought that up? Did I miss it?

I never got to actually try the final product. I don’t have enough machined iron (or lucent blocks).

It looks like this.

But it would be about 50% faster take or give 10%. It has more coils which also increases repair time but it also places more blocks than version 1.

And I think Vex brought up AFK mob farm and I brought up the Loot farm in the same discussion.

was the statement of @majorvex regarding AFK-ing in the game.

Do you really want to question any farm ? How about region XP farms ? How about regular farms where we use regen bombs.
Portals are not ‘meant’ to be used that way and you can say the same for regen bombs.

I don’t see an issue as you cannot forbid portals and regen bombs.

What I fully understand is that AFK-ing not being in the spirit of the game.

I am 100% against AFK as probably everybody knows. Standing at 1 spot for hours/days is just bad in my opinion. AFK we all accepts is taking a phone call of going to the toilet, but not for complete hunts or days standing in 1 spot.


Not really because it doesn’t give you an xp advantage so you don’t gain plots.

Yeah there’s an economy but doesn’t effect it in a bad way so it wasn’t a bad comparison

I may be mixed up here on the loot farm. As long as no one is AFK I’m good with it. If anyone is AFK though and gaining loot … then that is affecting the economy by someone gaining items to sell while AFK which is the equivalent of gold farming.

The same is going to be said for Alts in hunts… it’s a form of AFK.

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AFK does not even work in my Loot Farm.
I even tell people to go to sanctum in case they need to go AFK for a moment.

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Thus, why I said I may be mixed up.

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I will say that when people show their player level in game, I will always question just how much of that was AFK farming going forward and with the top 10 people with the most plots and even the most prestige.

True, I agree and wonder how they do it.

I wish we had a AFK-kick option in the game. Not moving for a few minutes kicks you back to Sanctum.
If that happens too many times then a cool down before entering the game would be an option too.

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Yeah the loot farm isn’t afk. Feather Falls people Afk there but really to have decent loot flow it does require some active there. But like i said not fully used so i could be wrong but that’s what i am led to believe. I have seen people AFK there so thet must be getting something.

And I 100% agree with AFK and alts on hunts. I think people know by now how I feel about this. It’s unfair and puts a strain on other people mainly on T6 and higher hunts. It slows hunts right down. Regardless of tier it is unfair. I know the main defence to this argument is bigger meteors but anyone that takes an alt or to afk on a hunt is to get more loot with zero effort.

So now turning this into a witch-hunt?
If you have concerns, maybe email support, and they can check, but please don’t start throwing around casual insinuations against other players.


I did a brief search, for the first pic that ever just shocked me about this game. The table/pie thing was open, and somewhat competitive, gameplay for a while. The highest actual proof I ever saw was 11m XP in one shot.

The combination was deemed (later) by the devs to pass “emergent gameplay” into “exploit” territory. However, there was no need for any AFK play. In fact you sort of needed to log out. Or at least stay away from your base for a while.

Also some characters, especially some early guild crafters and the like have done pretty well with legitimate crafting gains. Imagine being the guy that extracts all the oort for, say, the ultima network. I don’t do any of it but I believe the people doing it for TNT take turns.

Footfall was pretty different at first too.

To call it a witch hunt is a little much. I was simply stating that I’d question anyone’s true level, prestige or plot count and if they were gained while AFK or not.

I do not mean to take away from anyone that gained that XP in any way because the game mechanics have allowed it up to this point and the previous owners did nothing to prevent it.

I have been AFK in game (due to work meetings etc.) so my hours in game are inflated too so I question how many true hours people have including myself. Witch hunt? Nah … just stating these stats are questionable.

This comment kinda struck a nerve. I had to grind for everything. My level, my prestige and my hours played are a direct result. Not a single level I’ve gain is afk. But guess what I’m in the top 10. I love the player stats. There should be more to be fair.

Also some people have early backer perks. The highest being +300% plots. Now I’d love to have that. But those perks don’t exist anymore for purchase. So you could easily say that’s an unfair advantage.

Btw sell me your iron.


As it should I too have grinded my ass off. I have nearly 7.2k hours in 2 years of playing as I said but some of that is AFK. I have spent the last 4 months creating my color storage and that alone I spent a good 15-20mil coins on just to do it and it’s still not done.

I say it should strike a nerve though because there are others doing things AFK that make your hard work questionable. Not that you did anything wrong or were AFK farming/grinding, but to what @Nightstar was trying to say the people that do things like that affect everyone else in various ways, intentional or not.

As I stated an AFK farm with trampolines and ice could cause the removal of trampolines or ice. It could cause the removal of sliding or the removal of ice being slippery (ok this I’m ok with having fallen off of DK Mall and its icy areas), but point is it is cause and effect.

I didn’t see Crafting Tables get removed after all the mass crafting that happened…


This isn’t much, compared to some of the table stuff. The 35 hours is just waiting on machines. Roughly 4 hours of work to pull 43 levels.

That’s a hefty thread, lots of numbers there, and lots of pics of the build to support it. I did it to push forward a complaint about a coin problem. The coin got rebalanced, the XP is still there.

You get sore fingers, though :sweat: Even with auto-clicking.

IMO without the afk element something like what @QuimbyBoundless has built here will actually slow down some people in terms of both coin, and materials to build in all those plots.

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