"FULLY" AFK Block XP Farm

That’s a mad take, I do it because it’s the way I enjoy the game :joy: not AFK’ing ofc, but automating things and making ways to do things easier. I have no intention to second guess every move I make. If it’s in the game, I’m going to use it. Simple as that.

Imagine this from the perspective someone who didn’t check the forums or youtube. They could assume botting isn’t allowed. But using mechanics in the game? Come on.

Otherwise they’d be removed/changed.


Such noobs :crazy_face: just get a great tree and you can farm from below! You just stand in one position and throw the bombs while farming. I must say it of course costs more bombs than the top to bottom farm. So it’s “less” efficient if you think about the trunk/bomb quote. But it’s save against the random spawn that one has with the other type farm.
I need to admit that if that other one machine gets considered forbidden, then those mentioned from @Rydralain are in danger too. Is only the placing of the blocks or also the breaking giving exp? @QuimbyBoundless
For my very honest opinion they actually can’t forbid it really because it’s in game mechanics just like in minecraft where they also design machines with in game implemented blocks etc. So all you guys do, is using legit blocks without any modding and if you also press buttons yourself and only using in game stuff, how do they want to stop one from using ingame elements. They can’t remove the exp from placing blocks because then less and less activities in the game are giving exp. Field farming the replanting and forging gives already low to nothing which makes it very unattractive. I’ve been there doing this for a while and it held me back in game. If building is also not bringing anything anymore then one needs to consider really laying that game to the side. One should not be forced doing specific activities one dislikes in order to get exp. Just my very dramatic opinion


Only placing, essentially you place the blocks as fast as you game allows your while the coils break the block for you (still gotta repair and what not when coils wear out)

This is the core of the problem. The machine itself runs purely on game mechanics. It’s the movement of the glide track that allows for AFK, but can just as well be done just by human interaction holding the jump button down.

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I think it’s fine to ask questions & to seek clarification.

What is their stance on AFK hunting with alts/characters? AFK mob farms? Are they going to add an AFK kick like other games have? Will it be after 5 minutes of no movement? Will they add the after-6-hours-of-gameplay-kick to catch any undetected botting? Do they plan to add in-game mods like MC and OSRS to attempt to engage with reported botters?

It’s up to Monumental to establish parameters and make it clear to everyone what they are (as they are starting to do). It will be nice to have it spelled out somewhere, for all players to reference.


I personally didn’t want to bring this up because I think the AFK mob farm is an genius idea but by the same ruleset, those AFKing there are gaining an advantage while not being present. Same for the loot farm really, by the same rules set of “not being in the spirit of the game” such farm should not work but rather mobs drops should be gotten from hunts or random killing in the world.

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Some comments from last time we discussed that, pretty relevant I think.

There are some reports here and there of higher numbers, most of which seem to involve some additional crafting of output being factored in. But at that time, building, (block) farming, a couple of other things mentioned including chisel work were coming in at near enough the same numbers to see that there was a carefully planned balance and it was working out.

No time frames were given really, in the video from this thread. I’m not sure how badly it breaks this balance if operated manually.


I think that this isn’t to their interest. The exp gain on the other hand is fatal as exp means plots. Plots are also obtainable by real-life money. So it’s a threat to their income

Manual and AFK is the same exp, make no difference in that sense. Just that you can do the laundry while gaining the exp if AFK was allowed.

I understand the rate doesn’t change. That would go back to that time/value equation I keep mentioning. If your time input is 0 - the rate could be half it still breaks the equation.

If you can handle blocks, farm blocks, mine, hunt high level, etc … and come in with close to the same numbers across the board then it doesn’t matter what activity you choose. Everyone has a chance, even if the high end is more sustainable with some activities than others.

Wasn’t specifically trying to harp on the AFK thing I hope we’re through with that. If a new technique is discovered that otherwise breaks that interwoven balance, it still needs addressing.

The farm would only allow for 20-25 min AFK due to coils breaking. Furthermore as hunger decreases, there is a cap on how long you could theoretically AFK before taking damage from hunger and die.

That was hilarious. In a busy game this wouldn’t be necessary (and was frowned upon) but I sort of agree with his reasons for re-opening in the interim. Also, at least someone has to show up and do the work.

General loot multiplying was intentional for sure, but this certainly stretches things, as with the other alting situations. Lots of stuff to clarify here, things James ignored or addressed privately. In time the list of policies will surely become, shall we say, monumental? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

EDIT: Sorry I’m quoting myself a bit today but there are reasons for that.

The main reason being it creates some contextual pointers to the previous dialogue on some of these frequently rehashed topics. I really do want solid answers, and have always pressed (Sometimes too much) for them.

But for the same reason I posted a pic of an old boundless macro tool, many of us have been involved in this stuff before, at this time if we want these issues addressed in a constructive manner - it should help to provide some context for the people who have to prioritize and address the issues.

It’s hard to find stuff on this monolithic forum and we can hardly expect newer players (or newer owners) to quickly key in on the relevant context.

For me, it’s often easiest to find a thread I remember by searching my own post history.

Diagree. The Loot farm is very different. Whilst you don’t necessarily need to kill anything with a slingbow you still have to be very active on it. So the Loot farm isn’t effected by it. No bots or scripts are used just whats already in the game and there’s no afk. You can’t afk there.

I can’t speak for the AFK farm I’ve not fully used it. From what I’ve seen it does require at least 1 person to participate otherwise the loot you get is few and far between. But like I said not fully used it so i could be wrong. Waiting for an event there to see it properly.

Yes, not in the AFK aspect but Tiggs said my farm is not allowed since “it’s not in the spirit of the game”. I don’t think devs intended for mobs to be farmed in that way. This is what I mean all of this is too vague.

Edit: I am all for creative solutions and inventions in the game, I love seeing all of this great creations. But I am just saying it’s not that easy of an answer when some here say it’s “so obvious what is right!”.

There’s no xp advantage and it’s not even related to this. The lava kills the mobs and you still have to participate either by running, grappling or using a stone slingbow.
It’s not AFK and it doesn’t use bots or scripts. So it’s got nothing to do with this discussion. Similar to the AFK farm to some extent. There’s no xp advantage.

Wow does everybody remember that this is a video game? I mean it’s for fun. Are people actually going after each other with pitchforks because somebody could get experience by standing somewhere and placing blocks or by chiseling blocks while they’re at their keyboard. At the current moment why don’t we just let the new team get everything situated instead of bombarding them with our nitpicking, all this is going to do is make everything just take even longer while we wait for the next update. Like they said they have a list of things do we really want to keep adding to that list to push the one big update we were going to get even further back for them to just possibly ban people from the game when we have so little of a population left.


I think you are misunderstanding what I am saying.

So you think that in the spirit of the game to build a massive flat platform in order to force more spawns in an easily traversed area is not reducing from the intended method of hunting 1. Meteors and 2. mobs around the world?

We are not talking about AFK, scripts or botting here now. Someone bringing 5 alts to a hunt is also by the same argument “not in the spirit of the game”. It’s just too vague.


Reminds me though of my bug I had in the past before I became a forum member. I was active for hours doing different things such as farming gleam at the non gleam ball farms of portal seekers and no matter what activity I did, I wouldn’t get exp. Sometimes I noticed very late so hours worth of work wasn’t giving me anything. Quick fix was mostly closing the game and re-login. But the damage was still there for me as I wouldn’t get the exp afterward paid out either. Boundless just still needs a hell of an amount of work being done

The only question, regarding how it affects the balance is how fast the XP comes. The fastest claim I’ve seen mad with supporting numbers, for instance, farming gleam is something like 11 levels per hour. Lots of players in different methods can easily sustain 6 - 8 levels an hour.

So, again regardless of how you operate it - if it’s significantly faster, it’s a balance issue. I’ve asked a couple times but, seems you’re shy on the number :wink:

No worries though, when there’s a team capable of addressing it, they can easily re-create it and make those decisions.

It was in the video as well but I said it was between 5 and 12 levels per hr (depending on if you refresh teaching every 5 min) so :wink: to yourself. Not sure if you are trying to suggest something here to make me seem worse than I am. Not appreciated.

Sometimes I do :wink: :rofl:

Anyways if that’s the range, it doesn’t seem very game breaking. Thanks for clarifying.

Oh wait that’s prior to the 50% bump?