"FULLY" AFK Block XP Farm

OK with some time to read this:

The fact that people are AFK earning (premium currency) is not what you want to advertise really, is it?

Wierd, dodgy, super specific analysis like “typically a macro is defined blah blah but also this is a key weight so no matter it’s not any kind of macro or bot…”

This is directly, literally actively targeted at the spirit of the only “hard” guideline which James would ever give - You’re encouraging AFK “play”.

You’re using your construct to effectively steal plotting rights, and this is a game where players are plotting in the same set of public worlds as you are likely to be. There is no “not hurting anyone” there is no “not getting advantage” here.

All that ■■■■ aside, putting this out front just shows a potential new player that if they want to ever ‘keep up’, ‘catch up’, or compete with existing players they’re going to have to play the game automatically in some fashion.

I’d love to appreciate your work on the technicals here - but it’s honestly unlikely that anyone who thinks this through want to paint this image over the game.

James stating that came on the heels of literally a thread about using software and physical aids to help an actual disabled person play the game.

Yes gleam farming, for instance, is ten minutes of repeating the same two button clicks over and over. No complex inputs no problem, right? And “gleam farming” is also “every block” farming. This means it’s orb farming, fragment farming, if you want even yam farming. Though now we can make actual farms for some of those with better yield.

I don’t know how many people automated to the level of running their machines (you mention minting) but it’s not hard if you can handle a touch of scripting instead of just recording, but if you’re willing to set up your inventory you can record a quick one to dump stuff.

So anyways as far as my opinion on whether is is quality of fair game play in any way, it’s not. If anyone wants they can read the rant from me linked above. You can find similar rants on a lot of game forums, all the “it isn’t a bot” in the world doesn’t change how this pans out and to be entirely honest - this is a method of AFK play and violates the only clear “opinion” the previous owners would ever give on the matter.

Finding this build in game would reasonably be grounds for a ban, if actual gameplay was being moderated in any way. That won’t happen, I’m sure. Posting this to the forum is ballsy though. It is in no way good advertisement for the game.

Another set of pings for @monty1 and @Tiggs.

Sure lets have another round.