Fun Subject: Hours Played

Ya them fun times making the dev’s redo the game because of my gameplay.

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I actually thought it might of been bit higher but I haven’t been active much in these last 2 years :confused:

These are some crazy hours! Are those actual played hours or do they also include afking in sanctum and at mobfarms etc?

I don’t even want to look up and see if anyone has more hours than master Catfud (haha) because Catfud’s 14k hours are crazy enough :joy:

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14k is so last month…

:sweat_smile: :man_facepalming:

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Master Catfud lives in a different universe where they can fit 72 hours in a normal 24 hours day. Their pc runs on Oorts and they themselves are multi-dimensional beings existing in several universes at once. All hail master Catfud :laughing::sob::joy:


That is crazy. That’s 2 years played. Is that actually active game time or also includes overnight afking etc? :rofl:

It’s insane. I would have to leave my computer running with boundless for the next 2 years straight to get to that number :rofl: and with the electricity prices in the EU right now, that would be a financial suicide :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Looks like only about 500 hours this year, for me :sweat:

No more playing boundless like a job :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well, for now :thinking:

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I do my fair share of afk’ing but also active a whole lot more.
I enjoy the game…maybe a bit too much :man_shrugging:

just had my bill come in and you are not wrong…it is truly :boundless:


Incredible :flushed: Level 15000 party when?