1 month later …
it is now more than a month passed since i wrote this topic. In my opinion it’s now the time for a small recap about what has changed, what is good and where there is still need for optimization.
The New
The changes in the past month showed clearly that this game is not abandoned by the devs. I think this is a good sign for a lot of players and a clear message for all who thought the game was dead (especially in the steam review section).
In the past four weeks we saw a dramatically increased number of dev posts and devlog posts and i hope we will see a lot more in the next time. Also the amount of shared informations changed from “show what we have” more into the direction of “show what we want to accomplish with the game”. This is a good starting point for further discussions within the community and with the devs.
In my opinion it’s also a good sign that all devs are much more active in the forum now. We saw a lot of posts by “other” devs than “only” @james or @ben.
The Good
What are the good changes in the past:
- More Devlog Topics
- Content changed from “what we have” to “what we want to accomplish with the game”
- More dev activity in the forum
- Game-Concepts shared (eg. Guild beacons, beacon persistence to name only a few)
- More regular updates (thanks to the C++ port i think)
The Bad
It’s still pitty to see that only a few of the questions from the question appeal topic have been answered completely (after that long time). Also a lot of the answers are “vague” and not really clear (usually only after demand - if there is one).
- Only few questions from “Questions Appeal” were answered completely
- Vague answers about questions
- Often necessary to ask for details
- Difficult to understand / see how the player opinion affects your decisions
@james Last but not least some things are forgotten (maybe because you have a lot to do - but you said this on April 18 [20 days ago]) like:
The “new” communication strategy is going in the right direction and is a lot more what i’d expect from a EA game than the prior strategy. It’s also obvious that you care for your community and you want to deliver the best game possible.
i hope you will continue with the current strategy and don’t drop it again. Thanks that you took my concerns so seriously (@james, @olliepurkiss, @ben and all other in the team).
I’m looking forward on what is coming and i think you do a great job