Game Won't Launch

Ah, yes that’ll most likely be it - it uses Steam to authenticate against

Yeah, I deleted the game log and tried running it just through steam and it doesn’t seem to create another game log.

Does it allow you to play the game now?

No, still just says “running” on the steam client for a few seconds and nothing happens.

Ok - do you have a firewall or anything out of the ordinary on your system?

Firewall is off, and I don’t think I have anything out of the ordinary that would have that effect. Unless you have something specific in mind. I play loads of other games without issue.

Could you see if the game has created any crash dumps? and if so, can you email it to the devs? Details on how to do that are in that “How do I share a Boundless game log?” link.

I’m nearing the end of what I am able to do to help, so will need to grab a dev to explore further… @james (sorry, no night off for you :wink: )

Ok so here’s something, I noticed that when I click play, the boundlessloader shows up for a few seconds in my task manager. In the turbulenz/boundlessloader_win there’s a log, maybe that would help you figure out what’s wrong?

Also there doesn’t appear to be any crash dumps.

That seems to have shed a little extra light on it - for some reason it can’t find an account associated with your Steam credentials.

How long ago did you purchase the game? It should be reasonably quick to link them

Bought the game about 3 hours ago now.

That message is basically saying its your first play. So what should then pop up is the loader that you enter your details in. If that not popping up it likely an issue with the .net framework that is uses. You can try running the .net installer by hand which should be in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\boundless_CommonRedist\DotNet

As mentioned above it has to be run from Steam as it binds a Steam account to your game account.

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Someone else had something like this recently.

  1. Make sure Steam is up to date (or try switching to the Steam Beta).

  2. Try signing out and back into Steam.

  3. Make sure you have all the Windows updates installed.

  4. Please confirm the version of the .Net common runtime you have installed.

Their thread is here:

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Ok so I looked around and I saw that someone tried launching the game on a different computer and then going back and launching it on their own, and that worked out for me. So the issue has been resolved thanks for trying to help me solve the issue and responding quickly though! :smiley:


Glad you got the game working, but can you confirm exactly what you did:

  1. Game failed to start on your computer (A).
  2. You switched to another computer (B), opened Steam, installed Boundless, started Boundless, it worked!
  3. You switched back to computer (A) and is just started working again?

Can you confirm if you needed to sign into Boundless on your original computer after getting it to work on the other computer?

So I’m guessing you bypassed the whole .NET framework issue on computer A by logging on on computer B? Basically James’s question :joy:

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That’s exactly what I did, and no I didn’t need to sign in on computer (A) after getting it to work on the other computer, the game just launched and I was in. Sorry for taking so long to reply, kind of got immersed into the game after I got it working, it’s great so far!


Just bought the Wayfarer pack and i cant play the game… after launching steam says its running for a couple of seconds and then nothing…
i followed all steps found everywhere and installed all dependencies which all was installed already and also nothing.
and unfortunately i dont have second pc to try…

including disabling your AV ?

yep disabled all the time

Can you report what is installed into the Boundless folder?