I feel as though some people just need a visualization of what’s in the pipe line. Perhaps you missed forum posts or dev comments in threads.
Ha ha ha, the body paint. XD
Well tried!
Hahaha . Well I can’t let anybody forget.
Cool! Can you make summary of 2019 updates? Like Farming, exo planets, shop scanner, search, new chisel, guilds etc
Do we need a new Category #FakeNews
… or is it?
Title certainly got me excited
Even tho you warned me, my heart still skipped a beat when i saw ‘roadmap’ above the light blue category text
Hahaha. I can change the title to unofficial roadmap.
but I do like the, “or is it?”
It’s obviously fake as there are too many cool features on the roadmap. No one would be fooled by this!
Really because I left a bunch of things off of there. I’ll keep those for the next fake new update.
This roadmap picture reminds me… is the compactness update indefinitely shelved for now?
Why would it be shelved?
Well I don’t know. It seemed like the next upcoming feature, but now it’s the reclaim feature, and (I’m surely mistaken) it looks like it’s being put on stand-by while the team works on more pressing things.
Fair enough. I guess I see the beacon reclaim as helping players that need to take down non-compact beacons so I thought they were a good fit to be in the same release.
I think both things are coming together, that’s how I understood
How so?
To me, it’s only about reducing the impact of fuelling mishaps.
I mean, I also thought they were coming together, but I don’t remember seeing the compactness stuff in the reclaim patch-note.
Pretty sure it’s still coming. They had to get the number correct for the compactness and give time for us to correct the mess we created/fill in areas to make us compact. That’s why they released the next set of maps.
*Unofficial NEWS
Makes sense.
If I can manually reclaim a beacon, then I can manually reclaim a build that is not compact and not have to take it down one block at a time. Of if I have an area that is non-compact, I can put it on a separate beacon and reclaim it versus having to take it down one block at a time.
*More unofficial news.
They need this feature before private planets can be released.
If the owner of a planet can determine who can build on a planet. Then they will also be able to kick people off the planet.
Meaning there has to be a way to return a beacons items to the player being evicted. So this has to be implemented before private planets.