[Geriangul] --[T6 - Fierce Shock Exoworld]-- [Inactive]

--------------------[:earth_africa: World Details]--------------------
ID : 5337
Name : Geriangul
Type : Shock
Tier : T6 - Fierce
Atmosphere : Lvl 5 Potent (4 levels)
Size : 3km (34 Regions)
Liquid : β–² Water | β–Ό Lava
Region : EU Central
------------------[:compass: Distance Details]------------------
42 blinksecs from Kol Huroo
Warp Cost : 3400c
---------------------[:stopwatch: Time Details]---------------------
Appeared November 24, 2022 2:11 PM
Last until November 29, 2022 7:20 PM

Blocks Colors

: New Color to this date
: Can be obtained by Recipe/Transmutation
: Obtained on Homeworld (clickable)
: Sovereign Selectable Color
>= 0 : Exo Exclusive last occurrence in Days

∟79 Warm Red - Gleam 79 Warm Red -

∟81 Warm Orange - Igneous 81 Warm Orange -
∟82 Stale Sepia - Metamorphic 82 Stale Sepia -
∟172 Bright Red - Sedimentary 172 Bright Red -

∟30 Hot Sepia - Ancient Trunk 30 Hot Sepia - Minorengle
∟29 Silk Mustard - Lustrous Trunk 29 Silk Mustard - Biitula
∟99 Light Sepia - Twisted Trunk 99 Light Sepia - Delta Cancret

∟81 Warm Orange - Exotic - 81 Warm Orange -
∟83 Warm Mustard - Lush - 83 Warm Mustard -
∟73 Warm Magenta - Waxy - 73 Warm Magenta -

∟14 Dark Orange - Clay 14 Dark Orange - Finata
∟42 Dark Mustard - Peaty 42 Dark Mustard - Maryx
∟25 Hot Cherry - Silty 25 Hot Cherry -
∟12 Strong Cherry - Mud 12 Strong Cherry - Xa Frant
∟25 Hot Cherry - Ash 25 Hot Cherry - Angel I
∟101 Pale Sepia - Gravel 101 Pale Sepia -
∟139 Bright Sepia - Sand 139 Bright Sepia -

∟30 Hot Sepia - Barbed - 30 Hot Sepia - Xa Frant
∟32 Hot Tan - Gnarled - 32 Hot Tan -
∟25 Hot Cherry - Verdant - 25 Hot Cherry -

∟99 Light Sepia - Growth 99 Light Sepia - Maryx
∟227 Luminous Red - Ice 227 Luminous Red -
∟137 Stark Orange - Glacier 137 Stark Orange -
∟40 Strong Yellow - Mould - 40 Strong Yellow - Alder
∟136 Cool Red - Sponge 136 Cool Red -
∟30 Hot Sepia - Tangle 30 Hot Sepia -
∟12 Strong Cherry - Thorns 12 Strong Cherry -

∟55 Deep Turquoise - Cloneflower 55 Deep Turquoise - Lamblis
∟88 Teal - Gladeflower 88 Teal -
∟95 Mustard - Ghostflower 95 Mustard -
∟244 Deep Viridian - Spineflower 244 Deep Viridian - Maryx

∟212 Slate - Desert Sword 212 Slate -
∟210 Cerulean - Oortian’S Staff 210 Cerulean -
∟34 Deep Yellow - Rosetta Nox 34 Deep Yellow - Xa Frant
∟88 Teal - Spineback 88 Teal -
∟100 Light Orange - Stardrop 100 Light Orange -
∟31 Deep Mustard - Traveller’S Perch 31 Deep Mustard - Alder
∟24 Deep Red - Trumpet Root 24 Deep Red -
∟71 Deep Fuchsia - Twisted Aloba 71 Deep Fuchsia - Xa Frant

∟39 Dark Yellow - Branch Funnel 39 Dark Yellow - Delta Cancret
∟30 Hot Sepia - Clustered Tongue 30 Hot Sepia -
∟97 Orange - Glow Cap 97 Orange - Alder
∟32 Hot Tan - Mottled Tar Spot 32 Hot Tan - Delta Cancret
∟97 Orange - Tinted-Burst 97 Orange - Alder
∟32 Hot Tan - Weeping Waxcap 32 Hot Tan -


Initial Resources

------------[Embedded World Resources]------------

RankResource NameAbsolute CountPercentageAverage Per Chunk
1Iron Seam4,943,45031.92%134.10
2Coal Seam2,257,42214.58%61.24
3Ancient Tech Component Seam2,023,40113.07%54.89
4Ancient Tech Remnant Seam1,800,32911.63%48.84
5Medium Fossil Seam1,227,4857.93%33.30
6Silver Seam1,181,7907.63%32.06
7Large Fossil Seam736,4444.76%19.98
8Hard Coal Seam474,1413.06%12.86
9Gold Seam352,8282.28%9.57
10Titanium Seam229,6801.48%6.23
11Ancient Tech Device Seam153,1460.99%4.15
12Topaz Seam78,2180.51%2.12
13Sapphire Seam27,7700.18%0.75

--------------[Surface World Resources]--------------

RankResource NameAbsolute CountPercentageAverage Per Chunk
2Basic Boulder37,53716.55%1.02
3Primordial Resin28,97412.77%0.79
4Boulder Tower12,5965.55%0.34
5Beanstalk Boulder12,4225.48%0.34
6Glow Cap Fungus11,9115.25%0.32
7Twisted Aloba11,8705.23%0.32
8Tinted-Burst Fungus9,4864.18%0.26
9Trumpet Root7,7633.42%0.21
10Branch Funnel Fungus6,9483.06%0.19
11Tuber Plant6,6712.94%0.18
12Starberry Vine5,8332.57%0.16
13Combustion Fraction5,6502.49%0.15
14Tapered Boulder5,1892.29%0.14
15Clustered Tongue Fungus4,9842.20%0.14
16Mottled Tar Spot Fungus4,1131.81%0.11
17Rosetta Nox3,9791.75%0.11
18Kranut Plant3,7951.67%0.10
19Boulder Ring1,6700.74%0.05
20Traveller's Perch8460.37%0.02
21Boulder Chip3920.17%0.01
22Weeping Waxcap Fungus2520.11%0.01
23Stardrop Plant120.01%0.00


Anything New??? I’m on Console sorry for the sloppy writing

Gleam - Warm red
Sand - Bright sepia
Sedi Rock - Bright red
Meta Rock - Stale sepia
Ign rock - Warm orange
Gravel - Pale sepia
Lust Wood - Silk mustard
Ancient wood - Hot sepia
Twisted Wood - Light sepia
Thorns - Strong cherry
Exotic foli - Warm Orange
Lush Foli - Warm mustard
Waxy foli - Warm magenta
Silty soil - Hot cherry
Clay Soil -Dark orange
Tangle - Hot sepia
Barbed grass - Hot sepia
Gnarled grass - Hot tan
Verdant Grass - Hot cherry
Sponge - Cool red
Mould - Strong yellow
Glacier - Stark orange
Ice - Lumi red

Deep red Trumpet
Hot cherry basic boulder
Deep fuchsia twisted Aloba
Orange twisted burst fungas
Orange glow cap
Deep yellow rosetta
Dark yellow funnel


Out of town until tomorrow sorry

I am also out of town. Sorry I can’t help.

I have a code, but can’t figure out the program because I am not a smart techy person.

scanned but don’t know how to update this post. (there was a lovely instruction post by @Redlotus but seems to have disappeared) apparently I’m blind as a blind bat :man_facepalming:
for the time being colours can be found here

Blocks listed now…


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I still need to get the code :thinking:

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