Here’s a list of all the Gleam colours. It’s up to you all to find them…
- Turquoise
- Yellow
- Blue
- Red
- Purple
- White
- Green
- Faded Blue
- Faded Turquoise
- Faded Yellow
- Faded Pink
- Deep Red
- Deep Blue
- Deep Purple
- Black
- Pink
Here’s a list of all the Gleam colours. It’s up to you all to find them…
Wonder what the difference between those two is?
16 colors + an extra faded yellow…
Do they correlate to the current 17 world colors?
(Good spot on the double faded yellow)
More menacing!
“Change the Gleam colours”, “Add more Gleam colours” “Please, Wonderstruck” “We’ve got your pet rabbit, Ben, change the colours”
changes the colours
“No, don’t change them like that”, “I don’t like yellow”, “Can’t mine be orange?”
Might be easier if you add in a colour replacer for a little while
Can I start a petition to change the name Turquoise Gleam to Cyan Gleam?
No, because turqouise and cyan aren’t the same colours
You win this round…
@ben Can we get an orange one pretty please?
Ulaip’s look pretty orange…
Thank you, they do indeed.
Omg Tron! That’s awesome!
Thank you! I might replace the pink with either a red or a blue. There’s not too much Gleam to have to change.
I need Orange! Maybe you didnt notice it already but my brand Color is Orange! So… pretty please!
I second this!
I’ve found the black one on Saptu.
It doesn’t absorb light though!!